05. Just Forget It

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     During lunch, Theo decided to sit in front of Alana Jane and start planning their first study session but his mere presence still elicited an eye roll from the dark haired girl. But she knew that if she was going to have a chance at passing AP biology, she needed to cooperate with the newbie, no matter how much she hated it.

     "As much as I wanted to tell you to get the hell out of my face as soon as you sat down, I know that I would end up failing biology if I did," she grumbled as she glared at him with her arms crossed over the table.

     "Feel free to hurl any and all insults at me as much as you want but I'm not going anywhere. Just hand me your phone and I'll put my number in so we can stay in touch," Theo said with his hands folded as he leaned forward as well as Alana Jane. 

     "I hate you," she mumbled while Theo just shrugged his shoulders and Alana Jane tossed her phone over to him.

     "I can live with that," he replied nonchalantly as he leaned back in his seat and put in his phone number. "Tonight in the library after school. Don't be late."

     "Whatever you say, Dad," Alana Jane said sarcastically as she grabbed her phone and lunch tray and threw out her garbage and left the tray on the pile of used ones.

     For the rest of the day, she just tried to get through it all so she could go home in the end. Next thing she knew, school was almost over and it was almost time for her study session with Theo. As she was on her way to her locker, she looked at her phone screen to check the time and when she looked up, she nearly bumped into a girl with brown hair. "I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention," she said and Alana Jane just shrugged her shoulders.

     "Neither was I. Don't sweat it," she replied as she started to walk away but the girl grabbed the sleeve of her hoodie and she turned around to look at her. There was sweat on her face and her breathing was erratic and she could just feel that something was wrong. "Are you okay?"

     "I'm sorry," the brunette said as her grip on Alana Jane's sleeve became tighter.

     "Do you need me to take you to the guidance office?" Alana Jane asked but the girl just shook her head as she let go.

     "I'm sorry," she said before walking away, leaving Alana Jane confused and concerned.

     She couldn't shake the gnawing feeling that something was off with that girl but she seemed to be in a hurry to leave. But also, she needed to get to the library so she could just get this study session over with and go home. She exhaled through her nose as she got to the library and sat down at a table in the corner away from everybody else. She took out her biology textbook and notebook and waited for Theo to show up. She checked her phone for the time every once and a while before going back to her notes and highlighting the key points in her notebook. She didn't want to text him to ask him where he was but since he insisted that she be there on time, it was weird that he was half an hour late.

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