04. A Better Person

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     When it was time for biology class, Alana Jane sat at a lab bench in the back so it would be easier to hide from the teacher, especially someone like Mrs. Finch who would look you in the eye and tell you that you didn't belong in her class because you didn't know the answer was vitamin B12 on the first day of school. As she was writing the date on the top corner of the clean page in her notebook, she felt a familiar presence next to her and slammed her pen down on the table.

     "I'm starting to think you didn't get the idea that I'm not interested in being friends," she said as she looked at Theo who only smiled crookedly.

     "I think you'd rather have me sitting next to you than Scott," the brunette boy said and Alana Jane tilted her head as she narrowed her eyes at him.

     "What do you know about me and Scott?" she asked.

     "I just saw you guys talking in the hallway yesterday and you seemed pretty upset with him," Theo answered and Alana Jane scowled at him.

     "Were you eavesdropping?" she questioned.

     "No! I was just walking by and saw you guys. What were you two even arguing about?" Theo asked.

     "None of your damn business, Leo."

     "It's Theo."

     "That's what I said."

     The brunette opened but closed his mouth again, not knowing what to say. This girl barely knew him and it seemed like she already strongly disliked him. He was gonna try to say something but their biology teacher was handing back the quizzes she gave them on the second day of school to "weed out" the students who shouldn't be in her class. Alana Jane bit the inside of her cheek as she looked at her grade and clenched her fist when Mrs. Finch looked at her disapprovingly.

     "Remember, class, drop out forms are on my desk," she said as she finished handing out the marked quizzes.

     Alana Jane's nails dug into the skin of her palm as she tried to calm herself down. Just a minor setback and it's only the third day, she thought to herself as she unclenched her fists and let her hands rest face down on the table. She tried to get through the rest of the class without getting frustrated and wrote down all the notes and drew all the diagrams that were on the board. When class was finally over, she quickly packed her stuff and tried to rush out of the room but not before Mrs. Finch stopped her and held out a class drop out form.

     "Am I supposed to take that?" Alana Jane asked while looking at the older brunette woman.

     "Given the mark you got on the quiz, I highly recommend you at least consider it," she said and before Alana Jane could give her a piece of her mind, Theo stood next to her and she exhaled slowly through her nose to keep herself calm.

     "I can tutor her," he offered as the dark haired girl clenched her fists at her sides, her fingernails painfully digging into her palms.

     "I guess that is an alternative option. What do you say, Alana Jane?" Mrs. Finch asked while looking at the teenage girl.

     Alana Jane looked at her teacher and then at Theo who raised an eyebrow. "Fine," she said and Mrs. Finch put down the drop out form.

     "Great! I expect to see results on next week's quiz," she said as Alana Jane walked right out of the classroom and made her way to her locker.

     She rolled her eyes as Theo caught up to her and she stopped at her locker to put her biology textbook away. "I'm not trying to be friends, I just wanna help. It seemed like she was really getting to you back there," he said.

     "You mean basically telling me to drop out of her class because I'm not smart enough to be there? Wow, you don't say," Alana Jane replied as she slammed her locker shut.

     "I really don't mean to overstep, but you seem to have a lot of pent up anger and aggression," Theo pointed out as they walked down the hallway.

     "Well, let's see here. My friends are assholes, my parents won't stop trying to 'fix' me because I have no social life whatsoever, my teacher thinks I'm an idiot and there is this one kid who doesn't understand what 'get lost' means," Alana Jane listed off as she kept walking. "So yeah, I think pent up anger and aggression sounds about right."

     "You know, there's a punching bag in the weightroom if you wanna let it out on something," Theo suggested.

     "I'd rather punch something, or rather someone, else right now," Alana Jane replied.

     "You mean Scott?"

     The dark haired girl turned around quickly and pushed Theo into a locker before he could say anything else. "You may have offered to tutor me in AP biology and I accepted but don't get it twisted. Whatever is between us is strictly about biology. You're lucky that I am even letting you this close to me so do not push it," she said as she stared daggers right into the brunette boy's green eyes.

     "Maybe it would help if we set some ground rules," Theo suggested as Alana Jane tightened the grip she had on his shirt.

     "Fine. First rule, stay away from me unless it's biology related. Second rule, never mention Scott or his friends around me. Third and final rule, do not piss me off or I promise you things will get very ugly very fast. Do I make myself clear?" she questioned.

     Theo nodded as he looked right back at her. "Yes, ma'am," he said and she let go of the fabric of his shirt.

     "Good," she replied before walking away to her next class.

     She wanted nothing more than to just stay away from him and everybody else but she already agreed to let him help her out in biology. She could've just taken the dropout form and switched to another class away from Theo, Scott and the others but she didn't do that, she accepted his offer so now she had to see him and his stupid face for the rest of the year. She wouldn't say she hated him; she just disliked him very strongly, even though he didn't really give her a reason to not like him. Maybe she could look inside his head and see what he was really up to but she wouldn't do it. She may not like the guy but she wasn't going to invade his thoughts while he remained clueless to her poking around in his head.

     Why couldn't she just be better? A better student, a better daughter, even a better friend. Maybe if she was just a better person, her friends wouldn't have turned their backs on her. Maybe her parents, especially her mother, wouldn't think she needed to be fixed and maybe her teacher wouldn't think she was an idiot. She would rather be anyone else as long as she didn't have to live another day being stuck in her own life. She hated this town and everybody in it. And when she finally graduated, she was gonna go to college far away from Beacon Hills and start her life all over. She would finally get the life she always wanted and she could be a whole new person. She could finally be a better person.

 She could finally be a better person

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