Chapter One

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Hello there my name is Katherine Barnes. I am a 13 year old (TEENAGER FINALLY.) I have a cat and a dog. I have curly brown hair it's poofy and annoying. I have a older sister named Riley. My parents are nice...but don't understand my fangirl needs. Meaning they don't understand why I am always on my phone or tablet. I am in 7th grade and my favorite period is Art.

Okay done with about me and all that boring ish. Let's get to the story...

It all started on November 3rd. A normal monday. Wake up, go to school, period 3 try not to stare at a really cute guy in math, lunch, 5th period or go to art and talk nonsense to my guy friends, then pray I don't die in P.E. cardio days, and finally walk home...yay.

I live down this alleyway thing. There's a street a really long driveway and then another house. Down that long driveway theres two house. The first belongs to my neighbor...Debra. The second is mine.

There's my garage and a gate leading to my backyard. I have a treehouse (or a shack with a deck with stilts and palmtrees coming through the corners,) a trampilone, a dog bed, and a cat tree. I have a lot of grass too but that doesn't matter.

I open the gate to my beautiful backyard. My energetic dog came up to me wagging her tail.

"Hello, good to see you too," I rub her caramel coat. I walk past my outdoor shower to my glass door. I see a dandelion. Why not. I pick it up and think.

I wish my dreams...all from Marvel universe being real to me dating that cute guy in math or Amazing Spider-Man either work .

I blow really hard. I open my eyes to see all the puff gone. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER...pft I'm not singing...yet.

I push open the door.

"Hello, anyone home," I yell dropping my backpack on the wooden floor. No answer. I look at the kitchen island. A note rest on the counter. I pick it up and read it.

Hey honey,

Your dad (as you know) is on a business trip. Great Uncle Henry is sick and needs help. I will be in LA for a few weeks. Riley will come down tomorrow and will take care of you. Soup is in the fridge.

See you in 2 week's,
Love mom...

Ps Katherine...don't create any explosives while I'm gone, remember last time...

Just don't create any objects of mass destruction.

"Dont create my butt I'M CREATING AN ARMY," I say aloud. Another two weeks alone with sister (note sarcasm.)

I walk down the hallway of our two story house. It's nice but, nothing fancy. A huge backyard though. I run into my room and start my daily routine of going on my iPad or phone for 6 hours (from 3-9pm) than eat...then homework.

What do I do for six hours you fan-fiction of course. Not the creepy porn filled ones... I read the ones where the author mixes a new character with a different story. Like a new superhero with Spider-Man or something like that.

I hop on my twin bed with Peeta on the covers...yes hunger games is one of my favorites. I lay under my white canopy and stare at my ceiling with glow-in-the-dark stars and moons.

Hour one-Finished two books

Hour two- finishes two more

Hour three- finishes one-

Ding dong

My mom has three rules for when I am home alone...

1. Don't make any deadly weapons

2. Bathe...yes I don't like showering...its stupid


Still I'm curious who it is. I seat my tablet on my bed. I adjust it so it doesn't block Peeta's face.

"I'll be back my baby," I whisper to Peeta. It's not all.

I walk down the hallway adjusting my Amazing Spider-Man tee's purple with yellow and blue lettering tht says Amzing Spider-Man with a comic spider man.

I look through the peep hole I can't see to well but I see weird silhouettes. A tall one, a strong built one, a normal one, a female one, and a cat standing on two legs one.

"What the-" I whisper. I jump off the chair I was using. I push it to the side.


I hesitate to open the door. I open it to reveal a man in his 30's with a red coat, a gray skinned man with red tattoos, a tree man, a green skinned women with black hair and pink tips, and a raccoon in clothing. They look exactly like the Gaurdians of the Galaxy. Wait...

"Hi, I'm Peter Quill and-," I hold my hand up to stop him. Wait the...

My world spins around. I'm fangirling...and FREAKING OUT BECAUSE AGAH!

Everything goes dark my knees go weak. I faint and fall to the floor.


Okay this is my first story, and yes the beginning is terrible...and the story is terrible for the first 10 chapters but it gets better, especially in the second book. Feel free in the comments tell me mistakes here and there, that'd be helpful thanks.

Ta ta for now,


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