Chapter Two

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I open my eyes. I awake to see my ceiling. The back of my head stinging. Oh it was a dream. I sit up to see...all of them in my room.

"What the mushrooms," I whisper. I sit there and stare at all of them. What I dead because at the moment I would be totally fine with that. Ha...Jack would be so jeolous right now. He's my guy friend.

"Are you just going to stare or say something," Rocket Raccoon says.

"I-I...GOD DANG WHY THE HECKARE YOU IN MY ROOM," I yell the last part. Starlord a.k.a Peter Quill stands up.

"My name is Peter Quill some know me as-," I cut him off.

"Starlord I know...but why are you in my room. Your not real. I mean I wish you were but am I dead or dreaming." They look at me with confusion.

"Listen my ship," I cut him off again.

"The Milano," he looks at me weird.

"Yes," he answers slowly "Crashed in an empty lot near your house, we were wondering which planet we are on."

"Earth or er.. Terra," I answer.

"We are on Earth," Gamora says.

"I am Groot," Groot says....wait how is he full grown.

"What do you mean you trust her," Rocket says.

"I trust her," Drax says.

I get up out of my bed. I walk outside. My dog greets me. I am shocked, confused, fangirling, scared, and terrifed.

I walk up my ramp into my tree house. Shasta(my dog) follows closely behind. I open the door into my tree house to reveal a sleeping black cat. I close the door. My legs collapse onto the floor. My arm extends to a pillow. I push my face into it.

"WHAT THE MUSHROOMS," my scream muffled. Shasta starts barking. My head turns around to see Quill, Rocket, Groot, Drax, and Gamora on the porch of my treehouse. They are staring inside of the treehouse through the windows.

The windows are tinted so they can't see. Good thing cause I swear I am having a panic attack and my brain is trying to wrap around this.

Groot knocks on the door. It's locked. I crawl over to the door. My legs and arms wobbling. I make my way up to the door. I unlock all 3 locks and I crack it open.

"Yes," I answer.

"I am groot," Groot says bending over to look in.

"What'd you mean she has more bombs made then me," Rocket says and pushes his way through. I step back.

"Rude," I mumble. Karma must not be in his favor because Shasta tackles Rocket and starts licking his face.

"Get off me," he tries pushing her off but it doesn't work. He pulls out a gun.

"Rocket woah don't...SHASTA COME," I order. She jumps off Rocket and comes to me and sits next to me.

"How do you know my name," Rocket says. I try coming up with an excuse.

"I-uh Cornflakes! You were on a cornflakes box," I blurt out.

*facepalm* Kathrine Janna Barnes you are the worst at coming up with excuses.

Shut up...

They all look at me like I am crazy. Which I am I mean...I make bombs and I'm 13...what's wrong with me.

"How old are you," Peter asks.

"Thirteen," I stand up to my full height.

"I thought you were 16," Quill says.

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