Chapter 46

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Newt's hands grip Ren's throat. His face blank. Eye's piercing blue. Ren claws at his hands trying to pry them off her neck. He just continues to hold her neck in his hands slowly killing her.

"Newt," she tries to speak but fails, miserably, "Stop."

No reaction, just a blank face with glowing blue eyes.

Ren's vision was starting to get dark around the edges. Slowly trying to take her away back to the hands and ropes, for darkness to consume her soul. She feels weak and helpless. But usually she's stronger than Newt. Easily she could take him down. What's with his sudden strength?

Ren grips his arms and, using all of her strength, pushes him off. She scrambles to get up.

"BOW STAFF," She yells wanting a weapon, but not one that will hurt him to badly...or kill him.

She grips the staff with her life as she runs through the forest screaming for help. All the trees pass by as a blur as she rushes through the forest at superspeed.

Finally she reaches the Glade.

She starts waving her arms like crazy and screams, "SOMEONE HELP!"

Minho comes running out of the homestead followed by a few other Gladers and Keepers. I meet him in the middle of the glade panting like crazy, still clutching the bow staff.

"Ren what's wrong I thought-" Minho starts.

"Newt's gone crazy," she states in between her breathing.

Minho looks at Ren like she's crazy. He was about to start to speak, but just then Newt came bursting through the tree line. Rushing head on to Ren.

"Oh lord," she mumbles sprinting to the kitchen creating a plan as she runs.

Newt tries to fight the invisible puppeteer as he runs. Trying to not harm anyone else...trying not to harm Ren.

On the other hand, Ren is just running from death...again in the last five minutes.

What the hell is wrong with him? Ren thinks as she runs into the kitchen. She opens the freezer and grabs a frozen orange. Frypan said no don't freeze oranges, but she was right.

She runs back outside and searches for Newt. Just then someone tackles her to the ground. Grabbing her by the neck. The orange falls from her grasp and roles away.

"Newt," she chokes out as she is lifted from the ground. She brings her legs up and kicks him in the face with both feet landing on the ground.

Multiple Gladers come and run over to pin Newt to the ground. Ren lays on the ground also, trying to catch her breath. Minho runs up to Katherine's side.

"What the shuck was that," he asks. He offers a hand to Ren, who gladly accepts.

"That," Ren swallows, "my friend was the person who wants me, a god, through my boyfriend."

Minho looks worriedly over at Newt, who's thrashing around,"Will he be okay? The shank is trying to kill everyone."

"It will hurt, give me a second," Ren says getting a not-so-smart idea. She walks up behind Newt's head.

She looks at all the boys holding him down then back at Newt.

"Do you have him secure," she asks.

"Yeah," one of them says strained.

She looks at Minho, "This will either hurt and work or hurt for nothing."

"Get on with it," Someone says impatiently.

She takes a deep breath and kneels by his head. Newt automatically starts thrashing trying to break free to kill Katherine. She looks over at his face.

Sorry, she mouths then slams his head into the ground hard. Causing him to pass out. She only hurt him, because that's how Natasha got Loki out of Clint's hitting his head. Except she kicked his head then slammed it into a railing.

"Put him in the slammer," She orders pushing the hair out of her face and behind her ear.

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