Chapter 48

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Ren stares at Newt with wide eyes trying to register what he said.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" She screams loud enough that it catches Minho's attention and he runs over to see what all the yelling is about.

"What are you shanks yelling about?" he asks.

Ren looks at Minho. "Maybe you can knock some sense into Newt when he says he's coming with me to my world when I find my way out!"

"Dude that's crazy. You can't leave without me! I'm coming too." Ren opens her mouth to argue.

"Love, you can't argue about this, we're coming." Newt says through the bars.

"YOU. CAN'T." She yells. "It's dangerous."

"We're coming. End of story." Newt says.

"You're all idiots... a bunch of-" Minho cover her mouth with his hand as she screams out some...unpleasant names.

When she finishes she licks his hand. Minho wipes his hand on his shirt in disgust.

"I'm not bringing you guys. belong here. Not in the maze but this world...wherever this world is."

Just then Thomas comes running up. He stops right in between Minho and Newt. Immediately we all go silent.

"What do you want, Tommy?" Newt asks annoyance clear in his voice.

"Let's bring Thomas too," Minho says. My eyes go wide.

"ARE YOU ALL MAD?" Katherine screams, throwing her hands in the air.

Minho makes the so-so hand motion. She just shakes her head. Thomas just stands there utterly confused on what is happening.

"Only if we can make a plan...we need a room- MAP ROOM!" Ren says.

**one trip to map room, unlocking Newt, and explanation of everything to Thomas and in detail to Minho later***

"So we're fictional characters..." Thomas says for the 100th time. Ren groans and drags her hand over her face.

"Yes Tommy you're fictional characters deal with it...." she says annoyance obviously as she sits on the dusty floor of the Map room.

"This is insane," he mutters.

"Mmh not really...okay yeah my life's screwed, but HEEY you guys met me!" She says opening her arms.

"So, you got here by that there necklace..." Minho says pointing to the necklace.

"Yes, by the guys are not coming....end of story." Ren says, smiling.

"We are that's final," Newt says, standing crossing his arms.





"Not, because why would you even want to come!"

"Because I wanna keep you safe." Newt says gripping Ren's arms.

She smiles and flips him to the ground, by unbalancing him then flipping him, catching him off guard. He lies on his stomach, face on the floor. She puts her foot onto his back and rests her arms on her knee.

"I don't need protecting," she says. "Anyone else wanna try?"

She steps away and help Newt back to his feet.

"I won't let you guys come by the way, I'm going to figure a way out back to MY world...and that's final," she starts to mumble something no one could hear.

"What was that," Minho says.

She mumbles it a little louder.

"What," Thomas says.

"Even though you guys are the best thing that's ever happened to me, happy?"

"AWW GROUP HUG!" Minho bursts out opening his arms wide.

"No, Minho no...stop get away I don't like being touched....stop guys," Ren says trying to avoid everyone in the group trying to get a hug. Eventually they caught her in the middle and all hug her.

"Yeah yeah all friends...NOW GET OFF!" They all immediately back away, "You're still not coming." She says crossing her arms.

"We are, final." Newt says.

"You are so ARG!" She yells in frustration, throwing her hands in the air.

No one noticed how every time Ren yelled in frustration or got mad her necklace would brighten just a little. The more they argued the brighter it would get.

Everyone continued to argue weather they were coming or not, not noticing the charm. Slowly it gets to a point were you can't ignore it.

"What the-" Minho starts out shielding his eyes.

A bright flash went off. All the energy of the charm melts into a portal...sitting in the center of the room. It dims down so you can see the whisps of energy around it. The center of the ball is white.

"I have my way out," Ren whispers to herself, she looks at everyone in the room, "I love you all...DONT FALLOW ME!"

Her last words before she jumps into the portal, entering Midgard once again.

What Ren doesn't know is they all jump in right after she does. Fallowing her into another realm. Disappearing from their own. To see what lies get fallow a friend...maybe to their deaths.

I felt like updating again and...

This book is drawing to a close! DONT PANIC OR WORRY THERE'S A SEQUEL! I'll announce the name after in an authors note...have funnnnm!

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