Chapter 37

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One week later

"PLEASE CLINT I'M FINE," I beg for the hundredth time in the last 15 minutes. I've been trapped inside this frickin room for 10 days...if you count the days I passed out. My fever went away and nightmares too. I'm fine, but no one believes me.

"Fine," he says throwing his hands up in defeat, "You have two hours...use them wisely." I high five him and run out the door.

"NO EXTRA SPEED OR WHATEVER YOU DO THOUGH!" He adds as I race down the stairs. I don't care as long as I'm in the sunshine. I rush to the grass in the middle of the glade and lay down in it in the sunshine. I lay in the sun, till a shadow blocks it.

"Who let you out," I hear Newt's voice.

"Clint...only for two hours though," I reply. I pat the grass besides me signaling him to sit. He sits down, giving me my sunshine back.

"Happy?" He asks.

"Very," I giggle. I feel...fresh.

"Feel any better," he asks. I roll my eyes.

"I've been fine for 2 days now Newt,"I reply.

"Then you should probably get back to trying the jobs," he says smirking.

I start fake coughing, "I"cough cough,"Relapse."

He laughs at my terrible acting skills, "Uh huh...I guess we should put you back into bed then." He says sarcastically.

"No I'm okay," I say quickly. But before I could do anything else he scoops me up bridal style and twirls me around.

"Nope back to bed love."


"Love." He repeats smiling.

"Love." I repeat smiling and give him a quick peck. He sets me lightly on the floor.
I sigh happily and lay down in the grass. Today, feels...perfect. What would make it more perfect than a swim?

I quickly jump to my feet and grab Newt's arm pulling him into the forest.

"What are we-" I shush him and continue pulling him to the secluded lake.

I finally make it past all of the trees. To the special little lake. The sun glistens against the water like a mirror. I turn around and face Newt smiling. He smiles back at me. I let go of his wrist to run away. But he picks me up again and runs into the water with me...giggling like an idiot.

He tosses me into the water. I swim around in circles under water. Soon I pop back up above for air. I shake the wet hair out of my face. The smile never leaving my face.

Newt swims over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck and stare into his chocolate eyes.

"What are we," I ask.

"You're my girlfriend," he says. I look at the sky.

"Mmh I don't remember you asking me," I joke. He rolls his eyes still smiling.

"Will you, Katherine whatever your last name is be my girl-" I cut him off by kissing him.

"No," I say sarcastically. We both laugh a little. Until I splash him with some water.

"Is that how your going to be," he asks.

"Oh what did I get myself into..." I mumble swimming away. He catches up and grabs me.

"Gotcha greenie," I turn around and kiss his cheek.

"Yep," I reply.

"Are you shanks done," I hear Minho yell. We both turn to face a sweaty Minho with arms crossed...smirking.

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