Chapter 35

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Ren's POV

Have ever open you're eyes to darkness....or forgetting where the hell you are? Not fun. I can't see

"Hello," I ask. My voice echoes in the black of wherever I am.

"REN!" Someone yells causing me to cover my ears.

I slowly take my hands off my ears, and walk forward, "Jack?"

"There you are," he says. I quickly turn around to face a boy with black shaggy hair and blue eyes, thirteen by the look of it.

"You're Jack?" I say shocked pointing a finger at him.

He looks at the ground, "So you really lost your memory...huh."

"Well, except my name...and I get memories when I dream sometimes. Other than, sorry...were we close or..."

"More like inseparable," Jack continues to look at the black groundish thing that we're standing on. I touch his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I can't remember, it's almost like....I can remember things, but not specifics like who with or where."

"Like it's locked away somewhere in my mind," I reply sitting. Jack sits next to me.

"We wouldn't be in this situation if you would let me finish what I was saying earlier," he mumbles.

"What were you going to say?"

"Don't fall in love with Newt," he says. I start laughing.

"I wouldn't say I'm in love with Newt."

"Please, you don't know yourself then," he says. I glare at him.

"I don't shuckface," I almost yell.

"Sorry, forgot."

Silence...I sit there staring at the black of wherever we are.

"Where are we."

"Your mind," Jack says.

"Leave, I wanna wake up," before he could argue, I create a barrier of sorts to blocks him out. Don't ask me how, I just thought of it.
Again...I was alone.

I try to wake up. Open my eyes, move my hand, something....nothing.

"Ren, can you hear me," I hear Newt's voice. I look around in the black that is my mind or inside...this is all very confusing.

"Even if you can't, but I just wanna say I...really need you to wake up."

"I can hear you!"I scream. I bolt forward thinking I can out run the darkness to the light. A dark chuckle fills my brain.

"You really are a stupid girl,"someone says. I KNOW HIM BUT GAH! Shucking memory lost...hate you whoever did this.

A man in weird green and gold armor...and a weird helmet of sorts. Chuckling walk closer. I back up as far as I can.

"Who are you?"

"Your...sender," he smirks. Something about him made me wanna beat the klunk outta the guy.

"Name slinthead," I spit.

"Loki...of Joutimheim...and the rightful king of Asgaurd(A/N sorry if spelled wrong,)"

"But, if your from Joutimheim then why would you be king of Asgaurd," I ask confused by his words.


"Get out of my head!"

"That my dear is too late." Now he's in my face. I didn't notice but he was stepping closer and closer. His spear rises up to my face.

"ARE YOU GOING TO KILL ME!" I yell...yet again another chuckle...he is on my nerves.

"Not yet, Lady Barnes..."

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