Chapter 11

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We were pulled into the conference room by Natasha,Clint, and Flame boy. Natasha's eyes are boring into my soul.

"Can you stop, like if I didn't know better you were looking at my soul, burning it," I finally say filling in the silence. Nothing. Tony bursts through the door and points to Johnny. He starts laughing.

"So it's true," he continues laughing.

"You two," he points to me "Are freakin geniuses." I smile and so does Jack.

"Did we impress the great Tony Stark," I ask. "Tell everyone, that is not Tony it's a robot." I point at Tony. Still Clint, Natasha, and Johnny don't seem amused.

"You tried," Jack whispers. I roll my eyes.

"Are we done here, I have things to do oh wait I don't," I say sarcastically.

"No we're not, we are deciding your punishment," Natasha says. They all look at each other and whisper some stuff.

"Okay, you have to clean up the mess and stay in your rooms for a week." Clint say. Jack and I throw our hands in air in disbelief.

"IT WAS A HARMLESS PRANK," Jack and I yell. Tony looks at Romanoff with the 'really' look.

I stand up and say "I'm not dealing with this crap." I push out my metal chair and head to the door, slamming it closed. I start mumbling about how stupid all of this is. It was a harmless prank! Sure Johnny will be orange for a week, but nothing more. I mean it's not that bad.

I walk into the break room and grab a water bottle. I don't get why S.H.I.E.L.D is so uptight. I turn around and close the door of the fridge. Like seriously they can't take a joke.

I start walking through the hallway back to my dorm. The dull boring hallways. Nothing is happening. Sooooo bored! And that's the exact reason that got Jack and I in the last mess.

I finally reach my room and flop on my bed. I stare at the ceiling for what seems like hours, until a knock on the door brings me back to reality. Or dream? I am still confused.

"Come in," I answer lift my head. A fimilar sister comes into my room. Sadness fills her blue eyes. She sits next to me on my bed.

"Hey are you okay," I ask as I rub her back. She mumbkes something I can't hear.

"What," I ask getting slightly worried. She shakes her head, bites her lips, and shuts her eyes. Tears falling down her face.

"Riley, what is it," I ask shaking her. Now I am scared. She opens her mouth.

She whispers something that breaks my living soul, "Mom and dad are dead."

Everything stops. I feel nothing. My world crashes down. I start hyperventilating.

"No...nononono that's not possible. They can't. Theythey need to see my suit. And they need to see my prom pictures and your wedding pictures and and-" I stop and fall off the bed onto my knees. My fave buried in my hands. I can't. This isn't real. It's a dream. I break out crying.

The sound of a door opening makes me come to my senses. I look and see my best friend walking in.

"Is everything okay," he asks. My tear stained face worries him. I shake my head not able to speak. Immediately he wraps himself around me. I cry into his shirt.

"They're dead, they are dead," I say inbetween sobs.

"Who's dead," he asks, full of concern.

"My parents," I whisper/sob.


I know it's short...

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