Chapter 41

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Apparently we're having a bonfire. Did anyone tell me beforehand NOOOO. Because Newt knew that I would lock myself in our room ignoring everyone.

I sit on the log next to Newt. In the back near the forest. Fire light dances around the glade. My head rested on his shoulder. He's drinking...pee? I don't know it looks like it. If so...I ain't kissing him.

"How often do we have fires like this," I ask looking up at Newt.

"Once a month when we get a new greenie," he says.

"Why didn't I get one," I ask.

"You were thrown into the maze," he says.

"Oh riiiigggghhhht...pft I knew that I was just testing you." I say sarcastically.

"Sure you did," he says.

"What are you drinking anyways?" I ask looking at the jar.

"Gally's secret recipe, wanna try," he asks holding out the jar. I slowly reach over the table and grab the jar.

"I'm more scared of this than a griever by the way," I point out. I take a deep breath, "Yolo right?"

I take a sip of 'Gally's secret recipe'. It tastes like that stuff I got when I had a fever...but worse. And it left a burning feeling in my throat. The taste so vile I spit it out towards the side that Newt's not on.

"UGH! What is that alcohol or something, god..." I mumble while Newt laughs at me.

"THOMAS MY NAME IS THOMAS!" I hear the greenie, apparently named Thomas, screams.

"His name is Thomas," I repeat. Pointing my hand at Thomas. Only Newt hears and chuckles. I let out a yawn.


"No, I'm practicing to be a hippo," I say yawning once again.

"Come on let's go to bed," he says standing up. I close my eyes and hold my arms up.

"Carry me," I say tiredly.

"You're lucky I love you," he says quietly. I smile as I feel my body being lifted off the ground.

Before he could even walk past everyone. I fall asleep...a smile on my face.


It's about a green meadow with yellow flowers. Laying in the grass. My head rested on Newt's shoulder. His arm wrap around my waist. He says those three little words that change everything.

"I love you."

"Love, love wake up," Newt says shaking me slightly. I turn over so my face is buried in the pillow. I grab the sheets and pull them over my head.

"No," I mumble.

"You have to get up," Newt says.

"I refused to," I reply, "The morning is evil!"

"I'll get Minho in here to wake you up," Immediately I jerk awake...causing me to fall off the bed onto the floor.

I jump up and hold my hands in the air.

"I'm up!"

"Funny thing, Minho isn't here he's in the maze already," Newt says smiling. I grab the pillow and chuck it at him.

"Buttface,"I mumble. I crawl back into bed.

"Come on, it's been a month and you've still haven't tried any of the jobs,"Newt says.

"I vote I just don't try any of the jobs...unless you need a decorator."

He laughs,"I don't think we need one."

"Well, that's a shame,now...let me sleep."

There's a few minutes of silence so I guess he left. That's nice he's letting me slee-

The blanket is yanked off.

"UGGGGHHHH! I am lucifer and you shall pay!" I mumble into the pillow.

"Sure I will," He says laughing. I can't help but smile. I turn over to face him.

I finally get out of bed. I get on my hands and knees and pull out my brown box. I look back up to see Newt still standing there.

"Shoo," I say. He walks out of the room.


I sit upside down on a branch by the lake. Not that high up. My hands grab the branch and my legs slip off, leaving me dangling above the ground. I use my upper body strength to pull myself up onto the branch. Feet dangling off the tree limb, hidden from the world. A place where I feel safe.

A branch snaps to the right. I bury myself deeper into the shadows, hugging the trunk of the tree. I see Thomas.

An evil smirk crosses my face. He comes out and appears out of the tree line.

"I SEE YOU!" I shout. He looks around.

"YOU WON'T FIND ME!" I yell again.

"Ren stop scaring the poor shank," I hear Chuck's voice. I roll my eyes and drop to the ground. Arms crossed I look at Thomas.

"Hiya," I say waving my hand. Chuck walks out of the tree line and appears behind Thomas.

"Told you she's insane," Chuck says. I scoff.

"I'm not insane....I' you're right I'm pretty crazy," I admit smiling.

"I have to go, or Alby will murder me if I don't get to work,"Chuck says.

"Don't let Alby scare you," I shout.

"Easy for you to say you're like a super human, "Chuck yells back.

Thomas looks at me weirdly," Superhuman?"

"Not really..." I mumble, "Well, bye." I say waving and walking back into the forest. Not wanting to be near Thomas...something about him felt...oddly familiar.

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