58.2K 1.5K 748

          When I get home after work, I open up my Instagram and see three new notifications:

          callmecarsonyt, supertraves and 2 others started following you. 25 min ago.

          The two others were from earlier today. One was a kid from elementary school, the other one I don't know. The last notification was a DM from Travis that said "hiiii target girl!" I sent him a hi back and followed both of their accounts. That's when I realized that supertraves had 218K followers and callmecarsonyt had 1.7M and was verified. I didn't think it was actually them at first until I started looking through their account profiles. Surprisingly, it was.

          I opened Safari and looked them up. Apparently they're both fairly popular on YouTube and Twitch. I watched a few videos to make sure, again, that they were in fact the two guys I met at a Target. As I was doing this, Carson sent me a text. I quickly saved his number and ignored his text, typing him a response.

          Vee:  u guys didn't tell me y'all were famous?!

          Carson:  I wouldn't say famous. I'd say... popular

          Vee:  u still didn't tell me.

          Carson:  That's why we gave you our Instagrams. You found out yourself :)

          Vee:  yah, i guess ur right.

          After that, Carson and I continued talking. I spoke to Travis here and there, too. They convinced me to download an app called Discord so I could contact them on there as well, especially if we ever decided to play Minecraft together. They also got me to get it in case I ever felt like meeting any of their friends from around the world. Although I don't see myself doing that, it's nice to have the option.

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