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another long chapter. not as spot-on as the last because that took me such a long time:<
not sure how i feel abt this one? but i hope you enjoy it! i love you all <3

"Hurry up fuckers, I wanna see animals!" I shouted, running towards the entrance. 

Wilbur was hanging out with Techno today, so the Lunch Club decided to go to the San Diego Zoo before our days at VidCon, y'know for content and bonding stuff. And Carson wanted to see us make fools of ourselves as we did challenges he made up.

"Do you guys have a list?" Our lovely cameraman for the day (who's name I'd already forgotten completely) asked.

Ted turned to face Carson, who was slightly behind us with Josh and another guy. "Uh, Carson you need to send us a list!" 

I chuckled, slightly running to catch up with Cooper and Schlatt. Cooper smiled at me. "You seem excited," he chuckled.

"I've never been to a zoo before is all," I shrugged.

Travis looked over at me. "What?! You're kidding-"

"Vee, you're gonna love it. Especially since you're with us," Charlie said.

Schlatt looked over at Ted, who was now coming over to us. "We're off to a horrible start," Ted said. "The challenges are now on a Google Doc that Carson's writing right now."

"Wow, that's great," Schlatt said sarcastically as he laughed.

"Shut up, we'll make it work." I hit Schlatt's arm playfully. "Don't ruin my zoo experience, whore."

Once the list was finished, we were off, using Ted's broken ass phone to read the list. The first thing we did was number eighteen on the list, find a really big monkey, which was just a statue of a gorilla. Apparently, in zoos (or at least this one), you have to walk for a bit before you can even find the first real animal. Then Coop, Ted, and Charlie stuck their faces in flowers before Charlie and Coop took a picture with a lion statue.

Cooper, Noah, and I sat on a bench and talked, completing the 'have a deep conversation on a bench' challenge. We did this as the others walked in front of us impersonating animals; Charlie a gorilla, Ted a lion, and Travis a bird. It was hard to keep a straight face during this, but Noah and Cooper did great.

Noah looked at Coop. "I mean, it's-"

"The Earth is a rhombus," Cooper said.

"It is."

"Seven sides- four sides-"

"Yeah, and the sun isn't a star. Y'know what it is? It's a fucking alien," I said.

We continued speaking until Schlatt jumped over and punched Cooper in his side, apparently impersonating a kangaroo and forgetting that they kick and don't punch, but he didn't realize this until after he'd already done it.


We went into the kids' gift shop, as that was another thing we had to do.

Charlie grabbed a monkey hat, "Travis, Travis!"

Travis looked at him, taking his own hat off and putting on the monkey one. "Perfect," he smiled.

"Perfect?" Noah chuckled.

"Let's buy it," Cooper nodded.

"Let's do it- buy it, buy it, buy it-"

Charlie, Cooper, and I followed Noah over to some display of snake-things. 

"This could be attire and a weapon," Charlie said.

"Oh, my god-" I laughed as Cooper shook his head.

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