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y'all really thought that that was the end?? nah fam, this ain't ending until chapter 50- i've got it all planned :)
btw i love you guys sm for all the support on this book- i honestly cannot believe it <3 <3

-Wilbur's P.O.V-

I think I might be a threat to myself.

I thought Vee was different from the girls in my past; the ones who hurt me. But maybe I was wrong. No- I was wrong. She and Cooper have always been so close. How could I had not seen it? God, I'm a simp...

"Wilbur? Wilbur- hey, man. We're going out. You coming?"

I looked up and saw Schlatt stood in the doorway of the room I've been staying in. "Who's we?" I asked.

"Me, Charlie, Noah, and Elena."

"Elena? Vee's roommate?"

Schlatt nodded. "Yeah, I guess she and Noah are close now or something. Like, close-close if you know what I mean."

"Oh. Good for them."

"So, are you coming or not?"

I thought for a bit. I guess all I've been doing lately is scrolling through Twitter, even though I said I wouldn't after I tweeted that I was taking a break for a bit. Apparently Vee tweeted the same around the same time. It wouldn't hurt to go out.

"Yeah, sure." I got out of bed and as Schlatt turned to walk out, I stopped him. "Hey, have you seen my yellow jumper? I could've sworn I packed it."

"Nah, haven't seen it."

"Huh. Okay. I'll be down in a few then."


All the girls in Los Angeles look like Vee from a distance. And it sucks.

I thought going out with my friends would help my mood, but I just felt lonelier, even surrounded by people in every direction I looked. 

I held in the urge to ask Elena how Vee was doing. Was she okay? ... Who am I kidding? She's probably with Cooper right now.

Schlatt elbowed me. "You good?"

I must have been lost in my thoughts. I wanted to tell Schlatt the truth, but I just nodded. I don't know if he believed me or not, but he nodded back at me, giving me a sad smile.

I jumped at the sudden noise of Charlie shouting, "Carson!"

I looked in the direction he was, and sure enough, Carson was a ways away. Along with Ted, Travis, Cooper, and-

and Vee.

Seeing her made my heart stop. It felt like I forgot how to breathe. And here she is, with Cooper, right now. God fucking damn it...

"Schlatt, uh I'll be back," I mumbled.

He looked at me. "Where're you going?"

"Uh, I'm just gonna find Elena and Noah-"

"We have no idea where they went. And I think we should leave them alo-"

"Then I'm going to the bathroom!" I whisper-shouted, walking away and getting out of there as soon as I could.

I don't want to see her right now.

No, I do. I know I do. All I want to do is hold her again. I just can't bring myself to it.

Seeing her hurts me. It brings back memories of the past, especially seeing Cooper's lips on hers.

We all move on. Some faster than others. I know I will, but not anytime soon. I can't say that I won't miss her later on. I know I won't ever fully recover. I'll always love her. 

I wiped the tears from my eyes, quickly going to the bathroom and locking myself in a stall. I can't bear to be seen by anyone right now. I just need a minute.

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