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"Shut up, Schlatt!" I heard his British accent shout through my headphones. I chuckled softly. "Oh- Vee- hi. Hi."

"Vee, hello!" Schlatt said, making his mic have this weird and very loud sound to it.

"Jesus Christ, Schlatt! Quiet down! Holy shit..."

Schlatt laughed. "Sorry, sorry," he said. "You gonna join the server?"

"Yeah, gimme a second," I chuckled.

Before joining the server, I set up a stream as Carson taught me. It wasn't long before the chat filled with people. "Alright, what're we doing losers?"

Wilbur chuckled softly, "Well, uh, Schlatt set up a little thing for us over here. It's not much, unfortunately. We get pretty distracted."

"It's fine, Will. Really."

After a few seconds of silence, "Wow, this is awkward! C'mon lovebirds. Conversation! Talk!"

"Schlatt, can we have a second or two without you, please?" Wilbur asked.

"Okay, okay. But I'll be back!"

Once he left the call, it was quiet again.

"Hi," Wilbur said.

I chuckled, "Hi."

"How're you?" he asked.

"I'm good. I'm... I'm good. Hey, do you wanna just go on our world? We can invite Schlatt- I just-"

He laughed a bit. "Yes. I'd love that."

We waited for Schlatt to get back, and he said that it'd be better if he left. So it was just Wilbur and me in our own little world.

The rest of the night was pretty great. We just joked around and played Minecraft for a few hours. We placed our beds next to each other, which a few people thought was pretty funny. We found a dog. He let me name it Kevin, which was funny.

When we ended our streams, we continued to talk to each other because we couldn't bother to hang up on one another.


"Yeah?" I yawned.

"Um, thank you. For tonight."

"It's not a problem. I had fun."

"That's what you always say," Wilbur chuckled.

"Cause it's always true!"

I could almost hear his smile. "I can't wait for June."

"Me too. It's gonna be-"

"Amazing," he finished. "You should go to sleep. It's late for you."

"Promise to stay on the phone?"


I dislike this chapter but I had to write something. I rewrote it a few times but it never got any better so I'm sorry. read my new story 'runaway' if you want! it's focused on schlatt :)

string bean | wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now