"Hello, chat," I said, opening one of the boxes of Chinese food. "How're we today? Better than me, I hope. Uh, no games today. We're just chatting as the category says... It's been a while, hasn't it?
"I saw many of you at- at VidCon. It was my first VidCon. I really enjoyed it. Uh, the afterparty could've been better for me, but other than that, I had a great time. I met the Eboys. I met TommyInnit, a sweet young boy, actually. Might have to consider streaming with him sometime," I chuckled, looking through chat.
Many people asked about Wilbur. It didn't surprise me, but it did hurt.
"I haven't spoken to Wil recently. We've both been on breaks and he's been staying with Carson from what I've heard. He released his new song, though- Internet Ruined Me? It's... It's really good. I listen to it a lot now, actu-" I was interrupted by the sound of a Discord call. I looked at Discord and saw Schlatt calling me. "Oh, god. My views are just gonna go up as soon as I answer this, aren't they?" I mumbled to myself, answering the call.
"Hello? Vee?"
"Yes, Schlatt, what do you want?"
"You're really streaming right now?" he asked.
"Yeah. Why?"
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. C'mon, I don't want you crying on stream for views."
I laughed. "I'm not, asshole. Is that all you needed? I'd like to start up a media share, please."
"What, you can't do that with me? I'm great company."
I shook my head. "Fine, whatever. You can stay."
Wilbur's P.O.V
I could hear Schlatt yelling at her from the other room. I wanted to tell him to shut up, but I couldn't pry my eyes off of the screen. She seemed well. Really well. She was eating, she was put together. She obviously hadn't slept in days, but other than that, you'd think she was happy as could be. The thing that sucked was that you could see the pain in her eyes whenever she spoke about me.
I know that that's my fault.
"Chat, Wilbur's probably busy- I'm not gonna ask him to stream with me," Vee mumbled.
I couldn't let them know that I was already here. I couldn't let her know that I clicked on the notification the second it popped up. My heart hurt just watching her laugh and be happy without me.
Maybe it was better this way. Maybe I was meant to be alone.
"Yeah, fuck Wilbur!" Schlatt shouted, knowing well aware that I was under the same roof as him.
"Schlatt- No-"
I looked through her chat. They seemed to have noticed that her overall mood changed when asked to stream with me. They were going crazy; asking what was wrong, wondering if Vee was alright.
I hope she's alright.
"I'm done for the night, chat," Vee mumbled. "I should get to bed. It's... not late, but I still don't feel great. Uh, this stream doesn't mean I'm back by any means. It was just a small break from my break. I don't plan on coming back fully until I feel better, which I hope you understand. I don't know if the same goes for Wilbur, so stop asking because I can see it right now, chat," she chuckled. "Goodnight everyone. Have a good night- a good week, a good month. Just stay good and happy for me, yeah?"
Vee gave a sad smile as she read chat for a few seconds before going to end the stream- or, I assume, going to end the stream, but failing. She took off her headset and covered her face with her hands.
She would never cry on stream. There's no way she knows that she's still live right now. Hearing her cry broke my heart. I couldn't bear to see it, but who knows when I'd see her again?
She cried for a few moments before her cell phone rang. She looked up and answered it, wiping her nose on the back of her hand. "Hi, Travis..." she mumbled into the receiver.
He must have called to tell her, because as soon as he started talking, Vee looked shocked and scrambled to end her stream. And that was that...

string bean | wilbur soot
Fanfictiononly leaving this up for memories. i no longer support wilbur soot. COMPLETED. a wilbur soot fanfiction written by yours truly. imagine falling in love with a stranger living on the other side of the world. - most chapters are fairly short if you're...