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As soon as I texted Wilbur back, he called me and of course, I answered.


"Thank goodness you're alright," he said, letting a large breath out. "Carson told me what happened. God, I am so happy you didn't walk there, Vee."

I chuckled. "Good morning to you too, Will."

"Afternoon for me, actually."

"Sorry, sorry. Good afternoon to you too, Will."

He laughed, "It's fine. I'm just... I'm sorry that you were set up with such a scumbag. I wish I could've been there for you."

"He wasn't that bad until he started drinking," I shook my head. "A lot, that is."

There was a moment of silence between us before either of us spoke up again. "Um, Vee. Are you going to VidCon in June perchance?"

"Vid what now?" I asked.

"VidCon. It's like ComicCon, kind of, but for online creators and fans and such," Wilbur explained. "It's typically at the Anaheim Convention Center, which is in-"

"California, I know," I interrupted. "It's fairly close to Disney."

"Yeah, it is. Um, I was just wondering if you were going because I know you aren't technically a creator, but you're in my streams and videos all the time, as well as Carson's, Schlatt's, and Travis's, so you're fairly well known. And you have a small Twitter fanbase-"

"I do?"

"Yeah," he chuckled. "The people from our videos seem to really enjoy you."

"Huh. I didn't notice, I guess. Carry on."

"Well, if you did plan on going, I was wondering if you'd accompany me at my little booth thing and-"

"Wait. You're coming to California?"

"In June, yes. For VidCon. Possibly sooner to have more time with everyone, but-"

"You're coming to California?!"

Wilbur laughed. "Yes, I'm coming to California. Is that a problem?"

"No, no, that's great!" I smiled. "I just- I had no idea... Wow. I didn't think I'd get to meet you so soon." 

"Can I finish now?" he asked.

"Yes! I'm sorry," I laughed.

"Will you accompany me to VidCon?"

"Like- a date?"

Fuck. Why did I say that? Why would it be a date? He doesn't see me that way. I'm so stupid-

"Uh, s-sure," Will stuttered. "That is if... you want it to be a date?"

Did I? I don't even know why I asked him. I don't see him that way, do I? Why was I so nervous all of a sudden? It's just Wilbur, Vee. Calm down. Don't think about it. Just say the first thing that comes to mind and there's your answer.

"It's a date then, Mr. Soot."

"It's a date," he chuckled.

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