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"We're coming!" I shouted at the knocking at the door as I put my shoes on. "Wait- nevermind. C'mon in, Schlatt!"

I heard the apartment door open. When I looked up from tying my boots, Schlatt was standing on our doormat. He smiled at me, putting his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. "Hey," he said, "you guys ready?"

"Will's in the bathroom, but he should be out in a second." I smiled as I got up and gave Schlatt a hug.

"Hurry up, Wilbur! C'mon!" Schlatt shouted as he hugged me back.

Wilbur came out of the bathroom, walking over to us. "Calm down, I'm right here," he chuckled, grabbing his jacket. "Good morning to you too, Schlatt."

"We ready to go?" Schlatt asked.

"Go? Where are you guys going?"

I looked over and saw Elena, who must have just woken up. I could tell she was a little freaked about Schlatt being here, but she was doing a good job at hiding it. After apologizing about how loud we were being, I told her, "We're getting breakfast. You want me to bring you back anything?"

She thought for a moment. "Yeah, sure. Surprise me. You three have fun."

"We'll try," Wilbur chuckled, wrapping his arm around me. "See ya, El. We'll be back."


The cafe was a nice, small little place. It was really cute, honestly. I was surprised that I'd never heard about the place before. I knew I'd be coming here more often after this. We got a table right next to a window that looked out onto the beach; the same one Wilbur and I were at last night.

"So, how was the date?" Schlatt asked. 

I looked away from the beach view and at him. "It was really nice," I said. "I had a great time."

"What'd you guys do?"

Wilbur described our date to Schlatt until our food came. I got a plate of pancakes, Schlatt got eggs, and Wilbur got this thing that had a little bit of everything. I took a few sips of my tea before taking a bit of my food.

As Schlatt was picking at his eggs with his fork, he asked, "You guys didn't do it, did you?" 

Next to me, I could hear him as Wilbur choked on air. I even almost spit out the bite of fluffy goodness I had in my mouth. Did he really just ask us that? Here? Right now?

Once Wilbur cleared his throat, he replied, "N-No, we didn't. Jesus-" 

"Your reactions make it seem as if you did."

I laughed. "Because no one just casually asks that, Schlatt. No one expected you to ask us if we had sex. We were surprised, alright?"

He laughed too. "I'm sorry. I was kidding- I just wanted to see the reaction I'd get from you guys. Did you see how red Wilbur got? Jesus, fuck."

Wilbur just shook his head, throwing a small tater tot at our friend, who continued to laugh. After we cleared that, we got back to talking.

"Hey, where are we going after this?" I wondered aloud.

"Oh, Carson's place. He told me to bring you guys over when we were all done," Schlatt shrugged to which I nodded in response. "Which is now, I think? We're done, right?"

Wilbur looked at all of our plates and nodded, "Yeah, I think so. Should we get something to put the rest of our food in? We could bring it back for El."

El. Yeah, Wilbur calls Elena "El" now. The first time he did was when we were all watching a movie. She had to pull me aside and freak out for quite a while before we were able to go back into the living room. It all amuses Wilbur.

"That'd be cool. Don't let her know that some of it was your guys' though. She might freak out and try selling it on the black market," I joked.

Will chuckled, kissing my cheek. "Brilliant."



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