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gonna try uploading this twice a week now instead of just once <3
it's getting closer to the end and i want an excuse to write it 24/7
it might be hard tho since i have a job now,, but hopefully, that doesn't interfere! :)

also, it's almost 5 in the morning as i'm publishing this, but i've been writing chapters for this all night and wanted to surprise everyone:)

"Okay, who's rooming with who?" Carson asked, holding a few room keys to three rooms up. We were staying at a hotel during our days at VidCon, so we were much closer to the venue.

"I call Vee," Wilbur smiled, holding my hand.

"Okay, well, you don't get a room to yourself. We only got three."

"We know," I said.

"I already planned on rooming with Ted," Schlatt said.

Charlie looked at Carson. "I'll join them."

Carson nodded. "Who else is going with Vee and Wilbur, and who's going with me?"

"I'll go with you," Noah spoke up.

"Uh, Trav and I can go with Wilbur and Vee," Cooper said. "Y'know, since there'll be more room in theirs if they're sharing a bed."

Carson handed out some of the keys. "Sounds good. So... Me and Noah in room 212. Wilbur, Vee, Travis, and Cooper in 213. And Schlatt, Ted, and Charlie in 215."

"What happened to 214?" Travis asked.

Carson shrugged, grabbing his bag off the ground. "Let's check out the rooms, yeah?"


"We get this one!" I shouted, jumping onto the bed closest to the window.

Wilbur chuckled, putting both of our bags down next to it and sitting next to me.

"Coop, you want the bed? I'll take the couch," Travis smiled.

"Sure. Thanks." Cooper put his bag onto the extra bed.

"So, what're we gonna do?" I asked.

Cooper looked over at me. "What do you mean?"

"Well, VidCon isn't until later. What're we gonna do to pass the time?"

"We have to be there early," Wilbur spoke softly. "I mean, you don't. But, the rest of us do."

I nodded slowly. "That's fine. When do you guys have to be there?"

"Like, fifteen minutes," Cooper mumbled.


Travis looked at me. "Hey, I brought my switch! You can play Animal Crossing if you want while we're all getting ready."

"Alright, that sounds fine. Are we leaving now then?"

Wilbur smiled. "I'd say so. Wanna grab my guitar?"

"Your guitar?" I asked.

"Yeah," he shrugged, smiling down at me, his hair falling in his eyes. "I might play something."

I smiled back at him, nodding. "Okay."

I grabbed Wilbur's guitar and we were off; going to the surrounding rooms to get the rest of the gang.

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