Beauty and the beast

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You did it.
Your broke me apart
And than put me back together.
I dont know how you do it but you do
And you get me so tangled in this mystery of you
This unknown universe in which we dont share
you untangle me slowley leaving me bare
and its so unfair
How you just don't care
Im feeling neglected
And rejected
And you think im so unaffected
by your choice of words and actions
But youre too busy disecting this world into factions
I am nothing to you
Just merely a toy
Like the trucks your played around with when you were just a boy
But things are different now cause your older
Your toys have become human and hearts become colder.
And i am no different than the rag dolls you threw
Except i cant help but fall in love with you
Every flaw,  every crack
And the heart thats so cold its turning black
And i believed i was your savior
The one who will help get you through this pain
But i know now i was tied to a chain
You held me hostage in this "love"
Told me i was a good girl, but never enough
Your thoughts, so cruel , crowded my own head
Making me restless in this filthy bed
I loved you, yes thats true.
But i no longer do.

Because no one could love a monster as cruel as you.

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