Chapter one: captured

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A/N: This story isn't edited. So grammer police, please don't annoy me. I'm generous enough to let you keep the mistakes you found :)

Jade's POV:

I angrily slammed the door to my room and sighed very frustrated. I loved my parents but sometimes they could be very annoying with this whole 'make our family look good' shit. "Jade, you can't wear this and you can't do that, it will make us look bad. It's absurd!", I yelled very desperete while I sat down on my bed. People usually thought that when you had money, you could do whatever you wanted but that was a myth! You had strict rules to follow and couldn't live a normal life. I wasn't even allowed to go to the club.

Maybe when I was older, I would have more freedom but as long as my parents had a say in anything, I was trapped in a golden cage. All I wanted was to go to the club once since I was going to turn eighteen today but of course my parents didn't give me permission. All I had today was a boring family banquet and that was it. Sometimes I didn't even know if they tried to protect me or if they just wanted to look like the perfect, respected family with their good and perfect daughter.

I knew my parents loved me but sometimes I really hated the fact that I was a Thirlwall. Having this name meant that your life was controlled by other people. But why couldn't my parents make an exception just for tonight? I would only turn eighteen once and the least they could do was allowing me to go to the club! I wouldn't even be alone! My best friend Leigh Anne would come with me.

Yes I had a lot of other friends, who could come with me but Leigh Anne was the only one, who I thought truly cared about me while my other friends only cared about my family name. I quickly called her and waited impatiently for her to pick up. "What's up girl? Are you ready to celebrate tonight?", she asked me very excited and I sighed. "I am but sadly my parents aren't. I guess we have to cancel it.", I told her very disappointed. "What?! But it's your birthday! There is no way you will spend your birthday night alone! You're eighteen so you're basically an adult, who can make their own decicions so you will come to the club tonight!", Leigh Anne said very demanding and I almost had to laugh.

"You forget that I'm not just a random girl. I can't just disobey my parents.", I told her but she just sighed very annoyed. "How can you know when you never try? Just sneak out tonight. I promise you will be back before they even notice that you were gone.", she told me and I flinched. Could I really deceive my parents?

I always tried to be a good daughter and always listened to them... Was it really in me? But in the end I got nothing out of always being the perfect daughter. They still treated me like I was five years old. Maybe I should do one rebel act in order to get more freedom... "Alright Leigh, I will try but I'm still not sure if this is a good idea.", I told her and she cheered very loud through the phone. "Don't worry darling. My parents might give me more freedom  than yours, but I still had to sneak out a few times when they said no before. Nothing bad ever happened just try to be a bad girl once in your life.", she told me and I agreed before I hung up.

My hands started shaking out of feeling nervous. Would I actually do this? Well now I promised Leigh Anne so I basically had no other choice, if I didn't want her to embarass me with this story for the rest of my life. So I started to get ready and put a cute dress on and I made sure it wasn't too revealing but it definetely was more revealing than the dresses, I usually wear. Then I put some make up on my face and made sure that my hair looked nice before I slowly opened the door to my room.

The floor was empty so I quietly sneaked out and tried to get to an accessible window. I couldn't use our door since security cameras were there. I slowly opened the window and carefully climbed out until I landed on the soft grass. My heart was beating very fast when I realized that I actually did it... I just prayed that my parents would never find out because they would definetely kill me.

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