Chapter twenty: darkness and light

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Perrie's POV:

I couldn't stop looking at Jade while she was sleeping. It was a hard day for her but it was her own fault. She shouldn't have escaped. But now she promised to stay with me and after her punishment, I was sure that she wouldn't dare to break her word. A lot of people's lifes were on the line and she knew that. But I didn't want her to be miserable when she was with me. The punishment was necessary but I wanted to give her everything she wanted, if she just stayed with me.

I wanted her to see that I could be good and gentle, if she was a good girl. I didn't know how I could be like that. I didn't even know how to act normal but I had to try it. Otherwise Jade would never truly love me. While I was deep in my thoughts, I noticed that the door to my room suddenly opened. "I need to talk to you.", Jesy whispered and I nodded before I silently left my bedroom since I didn't want to wake Jade up.

"What's the matter?", I asked after I closed the door. "I know who the traitor is.", she said and my eyes widened. "How did you find out?", I asked very stunned. "Leigh Anne talks in her sleep. She contined to cry for help and she constanly called for Ricki.", she explained and my hands started to shake. "Ricki... I should've known that the new boy was too sensitive to look out for Leigh Anne.", I growled out very frustrated.

"Bring him to the interrogation room and tie him to a chair.", I said very cold and Jesy nodded. Words couldn't describe how angry I was. Ricki was alone when I found him. I gave him a family and safety... But in the end a pretty girl made him turn on me. I would make sure he could never do that again. I took my favorite knife with me and went to the interrogation room, where Ricki was already tied to a chair. He looked at me in disbelief and I sat down on a chair across from him.

"Boss... What's the meaning of this?", he asked and I could hear fear in his voice. "A source was telling me that you are the one, who told Misses Thirlwall about me and Jade.", I said and his eyes widened. "No.... Boss that's not true. I would never do that! I would never betray my family!", he said very desperete and I just chuckled. "Well, but what if you had the chance to have a different family? A normal one with a pretty girl...", I said and he got silent.

But then Jesy got angry and grabbed his chin in an iron hard grip. "Answer the question!!", she spat out and he shivered. "No... I...", he stuttered out and I couldn't take it anymore. I stabbed him in his leg with my knife and he screamed in pain. "Ahhhh please don't!!", he yelled in pain. "You had an affair with Leigh Anne and helped her to take Jade from me by telling Misses Thirlwall everything!! Do you deny it?!", I yelled at him and he gritted his teeth in pain.

"I... Deny it...", he breathed out but then I started to spin the knife inside the wound and he groaned in pain. "Stop... Please...", he whimmered. "Then tell the truth!", I spat out and continued to spin the knife until he couldn't take it anymore. I knew it wouldn't take long for him to break since he wasn't used to being tortured. "Fine... I did catch feelings for Leigh Anne while I looked out for her and I wanted to help her because I didn't think it was right to kidnap innocent people!", he spat out while he gritted his teeth.

"I'm glad we understand each other.", I said completely cold and put the knife out of his leg. He groaned relieved when it was out. "Please boss, I just wanted her to be happy... I promise it will never happen again.", he said and I sighed. "No. It won't. You're suspended.", I said and pointed the gun at him. His eyes widened in shock but before he could say something, I already pulled the trigger and shot through his head.

"Now that he is gone, Leigh Anne is all yours. I hope you punished her good.", I said and Jesy grinned. "She won't be able to walk for a while.", Jesy replied and I chuckled. "Jade as well. We should clean up. Jade and Leigh Anne will be very upset when they find out about this.", I said and Jesy nodded. "I can't believe Leigh Anne let him touch her while resisting me.", Jesy said very angry. "Don't worry, I'm sure she knows now that no one will ever touch her except you.", I replied and we started to get rid of the body.

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