Chapter eleven: a trip

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Jade's POV:

I silently laid on Perrie's bed and cried into the pillow. I didn't know for how long I could take to be in this prison. I was forced to see things, some people never saw in their entire life and despite Perrie claiming how much she cared about me, I was still treated like a slave. I had no rights here and no one cared about me being miserable because they just blindly did what Perrie said.

I just hoped that Leigh Anne was able to get back home safely. It killed me that I wasn't allowed to see her being brought back with my own eyes. Now I could only trust Perrie's words and I didn't trust Perrie at all. She saved me from Harley but she only did it because she thought of me as her property, no one was allowed to touch. She did it more for herself than for me.

It made me sick that she constanly said she would do everything she could to make me like it here but in the end, all I wanted was freedom and she was too selfish to give it to me. I flinched when I noticed that someone opened the door and walked into the room. I knew it was Perrie. I didn't even have to look at her to know that. "Is Leigh Anne safe?", I asked while I wiped the tears away from my cheek.

Perrie silently walked towards me and grabbed my chin to make me look into her cold eyes. "My people bring her back home and she won't remember anything that happened to her. I promise.", she said and caressed my cheek, but I instanly flinched and she sighed. "Why were you crying? Did one of my gang members hurt you again? If so they will pay.", she spat out very aggressive and I shook my head in panic.

"No! Stop with the killing already! I can't stand it!", I yelled while I ran my hand through my hair. "I see... What can I do to make you feel better?", she asked and rubbed my back. "Nothing.", I simply said and laid back down on the bed. "If you don't tell me, then I will never figure out how to treat you right. My harsh way is all I know.", she explained and I rolled my eyes.

"I thought I was your worthless main bitch, you could do whatever you wanted with. Why do you even care about treating me right?", I said very angry and she gulped. "It was supposed to be your punishment for trying to escape. When you betrayed me, I decided that I wanted to break you in order to make you completely mine. But when I saw how you were treated by people because of the way they saw my bitches, I couldn't go through with it. I made a huge mistake with Harley and because of that I will give you a second chance.", she explained and it made me sick to listen to her delusional way of thinking.

"You will get your previous position back. You aren't my bitch anymore and you won't be involved in my business anymore but remember that I will make you mine no matter what, so if you betray me again, I won't hesitate to truly break you without stopping like I did now.", she said and I gulped.

"I thought people only betray you once...", I mumbled out and she gently put a strain of my hair behind my ear. "Well, that's because I don't care about them like I care about you and don't get me wrong, you better stick to only betraying me once because you should know that I'm capable of everything.", she said and goosebumbs developed all over my body while she stood up and went to the bathroom.

In one moment she tried to be gentle but in a matter of seconds, she instanly turned back into her ruthless gang leader persona... At the beginning, I didn't take her serious enough because I didn't know how far she would go, which lead me to make stupid choices but now I knew how dangerous she was and I didn't know, if I was brave enough to make smarter attempts to escape...

Perrie got out of the bathroom, wearing a long shirt before she laid down on the bed beside me, holding me from behind. My body was tensed and I didn't dare to move a muscle. "Do I still have to sleep next to you, when I'm not your bitch anymore?", I carefully asked and her grip got tighter. "Now that this boundary is already crossed, why bother to go back?", she asked and I didn't dare to protest against her.

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