Chapter nine: scary

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Jade's POV:

"Hey gorgeous, looks like we will have a lot of fun together.", a shrill voice hummed while she stormed inside Perrie's room. My eyes widened when I saw her. A bright grin was all over her face and her revealing clothes were ripped. "Wow now that I see you up close, I really have to admit that Perrie has an amazing taste.", she said and walked closer to me, causing me to shiver.

She gently grabbed my chin and made me look into her black eyes while she licked her lip. "I hate to be a babysitter but, if you just do what I tell you, we won't have a problem.", she purred out and I instanly flinched. She scared me more than Perrie because she acted sweet and psychotic at the same time...

"Now come on, let's get to know each other.", she cheered and grabbed my wrist to pull me out of the room with her. I really hoped that Perrie would be back fast and I couldn't believe that I actually felt safer when Perrie Edwards, the girl, who kidnapped me and forced me to watch her murder someone right infront of my eyes, was with me.

I never got to know her gang members except of Jesy, since she was her second in command and when Harley started to talk to me, I knew why. They were all just crazy. She lead me to the hall, where two other men were already sitting and pulled me on the couch with her.

"Yo boys, now we finally get to know Perrie's new toy.", she said and they started laughing while I gulped. "Yeah she usually shares her toys after she is done with them.", a black haired man said and grinned. "She asked me to watch out for her, so she probably isn't done yet.", Harley said and the men sighed disappointed while my hands were shaking like crazy.

"What a waste... Well then, would you blow me then Harley?", the ginger haired man said but Harley shook her head. "Nah. We just had sex yesterday. I'm more in the mood of pussy now.", she said and put her arm around me, causing me to flinch while the man raised his eyebrow. "But she belongs to Perrie. She will get mad, if you touch her.", he said and Harley rolled her eyes.

"I'm tired of constanly listening to her. I didn't rebel against the government, by placing a bomb inside the parlament, just to obey to another leader.", she spat out and my eyes widened. The whole explosion, I saw in the news a year ago, was her fault? "But you forget that you got caught and desperetely needed a hiding place. Perrie offered you one and even let you stay in the gang despite of your uncontrollable emotions and crazy nature. Without Perrie, you would be in jail. Never forget that.", he said and she sighed.

"You should know by now that I'm a very egotistical person. Being here was fun but as soon as I don't need this anymore, I will continue to do my own thing. I'm a free spirit and I want to do whatever I want or whoever I want.", she said and licked my cheek with her slimy tongue. I almost gagged in disgust while she winked at me.

"Well that's a nice plan. But right now you still need Perrie, so you should stop touching her things.", the black haired man said and pulled her away from me. Even though these men scared me, I was still grateful that they helped me, even though they did it for Perrie. "Come on, look at her! You can't tell me that you don't want to smash her too! It's not fair when Perrie keeps her for herself. I did a lot of her dirty work, I deserve a treat!", she yelled like a child, who just got their candy stolen.

"Then ask Perrie for one and she might give you a hoe to fuck but don't just take what's not yours.", he told her but she aggressively pulled away from him and spat into his face. He rubbed her saliva away very disgusted while she just looked down very offended. "Everything I want to have, is mine.", she said before she finally left. Gosh this girl was even more insane than Perrie...

"Well, seems like we will watch out for you now.", the ginger haired man said and I looked down. I was glad that Harley was gone but in the end... Everyone of them was crazy...

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