Chapter four: romance

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Perrie's POV:

Jade... She was all I could think of. When she asked me to hug her, I couldn't believe that this was happening. Did she finally see that I wanted the best for her? Did she finally learn to trust me? No matter what she felt, the feeling of holding her in my arms was the best feeling, I ever felt. I wanted more of her. I wanted her to fall in love with me so I waited impatiently for my people, to finally bring Leigh Anne to me.

She knew Jade the best so she could tell me what to do to win her affection. Even if Jade really hated me like she claimed, I wouldn't let her leave so I had all the time in the world to win her heart. While I was lost in my thoughts, I suddenly heard someone knocking on my door. "Come in.", I demanded and I saw Jesy stepping into my room.

"We captured Miss Pinnock boss. We put her into one of our cells since we didn't know how long you wanted her to stay.", she explained and I quickly stood up from my bed. "After I talked to her, you will remove her to a free bedroom. I can't let her leave and tell the police or Jade's parents about us.", I told her and she nodded while she looked nervously on the ground.

"Is there something else you want to tell me?", I asked her very annoyed and she bit her lip. "Jade's friend is very pretty and I wanted to ask, if I can have her as my toy...", she said and I rolled my eyes. "There are a couple of other people we captured for that but she is Jade's friend. What would she think of me when I give her friend to one gang member for fun? Keep your hands off of her.", I spat out and she nodded very disappointed.

I always offered my gang some fun but this case was different. I couldn't afford to make myself even more unpopular with Jade. I quickly followed Jesy to the cells in the basement, where we kept all of our captives and I saw that Leigh Anne was tied to a chair with a blindfold over her eyes. She tried to get off of the cuffs and panted heavily in horror. She froze in fear when she noticed that Jesy opened the door to her cell.

"Take the blindfolds off.", I told Jesy and she immediately did what I told her without questioning me. As soon as Leigh Anne looked into my eyes, I noticed that her whole body started shivering and she was completely unable to speak. "You don't have to be afraid. I don't mean any harm. I only want to talk to you about your friend Jade.", I told her and her eyes widened. "I... I can't tell you... Anything. She... Is missing...", she stuttered out and I sighed.

"I know because I took her.", I replied very dry and she flinched in shock. "Don't worry. I would never hurt her or her friend. I actually want her to feel comfortable around me but I don't know what she wants from a partner so I need you to tell me what to do, to make her fall in love with me.", I explained and she looked at me very confused but my expression remained serious.

"I... Don't understand...", she said and I started to lose my patience. "What does Jade like? Tell me and we won't have a problem with each other.", I told her and gritted my teeth. "Will you let me go, if I tell you?", she asked and I sighed. "I will allow you to see Jade, if you tell me.", I replied to avoid her question and she nodded very slowly.

"Well... Jade loves it when it's romantic... She likes it when a date is as romantic as it's described in books... With flowers and a romantic dinner...", she explained and I nodded. "I can tell you're exhausted and need to calm down so that's enough for now. Jesy will bring you to your room.", I told her and her eyes widened in shock. "You won't let me go?", she asked in panic and I shock my head.

"I can't. You know who I am and I can't risk that you tell the police or Jade's parents about me besides I still need more information about Jade.", I told her and was about to leave while Jesy took the cuffs off of her wrists and ankles. "Don't worry gorgeous, I will keep you safe.", Jesy told her and winked at her while Leigh Anne looked at her very disturbed. "Jesy, what did I tell you?!", I spat out very angry and she immediately looked down. "Yes I know. I'm sorry.", she told me while she helped Leigh Anne to stand up.

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