Chapter sixteen: normal act

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Jade's POV:

My mother didn't talk to me the rest of the night. Instanly after she saw the message, she kicked me out of her office and locked herself in. I could hear her making multiple phone calls at night. I wasn't able to hear a lot but what I understood was that Perrie being alive would make things more difficult. The gang would be much weaker without Perrie, especially right after they lost her.

But Perrie was alive and she wanted revenge. All I could hope for was that Leigh Anne's boy, was smart enough to not let himself get caught and that my mother could overpower her very fast. Well, it definetely wouldn't be fast because there was a reason why Perrie's gang was the most powerful one. I wasn't even allowed to think about these things but I couldn't stop myself.

I was in too deep. There was no turning back and the fact that Perrie was able to break into our house, made me even more willing to have self defence training. Even though Perrie would probably still be more powerful than me, I at least would feel safer. "Jadey, Please come downstairs!", I heard my mother shout and I instanly ran out of my room.

She was finally talking to me again. Maybe she would finally see that I was way too deep in and stop keeping me in the dark. But when I was about to enter the living room, I saw Mortimer with his father and a woman, I didn't know. What were they doing here? I decided to hide behind the closet, so I could find out what my mother was planning.

"I'm so grateful that you could all come today. Children from families like ours should definetely know some classical dances.", my mother said and I raised my eyebrow. That woman was a dance teacher?! How could she hire a dance teacher after what happened yesterday? Why did she act like nothing happened?

"I'm happy to see that the youth is still interested in these dances, especially boys seem to have problems with it.", the teacher replied. "Well, I think culture is important and I want to represent my family in the best way possible when we are on important events.", Mortimer replied and I rolled my eyes. "That's right and see... Jade may have a problem to get closer to him and I was hoping this could help them to bond since a marriage between our families would be nice.", my mother said and my jaw dropped. So that was her intention.

"I picked her as my future wife years ago but she still seems distant. Maybe you could help me to get closer to her.", Mortimer said and I almost had to vomit but the teacher seemed to be shocked about these statements. "Well, I don't think we should force things like that.", the teacher said. "I would never force her but I would like to have some help, to get closer to her.", Mortimer said and the teacher sighed.

"I see what I can do but I can't promise anything.", she said but Mortimer didn't let it go. "But you are on my side right?", he asked and I could see how uncomfortable the teacher was. "I help everyone. I'm here to teach some dancing.", she said. "I understand but this must stay between us.", Mortimer said and my mother finally interrupted their talk.

"Where is she? Jade?!", she shouted again and I got out of my hiding spot and walked in. "I'm here. What's going on?", I asked. "Well, I noticed that you hardly danced on your father's celebration and I thought that getting some dance lessons to make you more confident to dance on important events could be a good idea. So this is Misses Addison Flemming. She is a professional Dance teacher for classic dances and Mortimer is such a great dancer that I thought he could be a great dance partner for you.", she explained and Mortimer smiled while I just looked at my mother very confused.

"Do you seriously want to act like everything is normal after yesterday night?", I asked her very reprochful. "Yesterday night is none of your concern. I will take care of it while you will learn something useful.", she said and kinda laughed it of. "Mom, yesterday night is my concern! It's about me! The message was for me! I'm the target and I need self defence training, not dance lessons!", I yelled at her.

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