Chapter seven: blackmail

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Jade's POV:

It was impressive how fast Perrie's behaviour could change. In one moment she acted calm and quiet, she even tried to be sweet even though it was more awkward than sweet but as soon as she snapped, she immediately became intimidating and cold.

It felt like she was capable of everything right now. The fact that she claimed to care about me didn't even calm me down. "Your life with me is going to change now Jade. Now it will be in my way.", she hissed while she holded my wrist in a tight grip. I gulped while we were driving back to her mansion.

No. I didn't have an extra status anymore. She would be as ruthless to me as to everyone else. My body was shivering. I couldn't believe that I even had the courage to try to escape because my body was completely frozen right now and I wasn't able to make a sound.

We finally arrived at the mansion and Perrie instanly dragged me out of the car. I sighed in pain but she just rolled her eyes and dragged me with her. Her gang was looking at us with curious eyes while we were walking through the hall. Did they know what she would do to me? Because I didn't and it was freaking me out.

Perrie casually walked towards Jesy, who looked at me very reproachful. "Did she fuck up?", she asked and Perrie sighed very annoyed. "You can say that but I will make sure it won't happen again. Bring Leigh Anne to the interrogation room.", Perrie said without any emotion and my eyes widened in panic.

"No please leave Leigh Anne out of this! I was the one, who made a mistake she has nothing to do with that!", I begged her but she just turned to me with her cold stare before she roughly pulled me by my hair and I groaned in pain. "You aren't in any position to decide that so shut up and do what I tell you.", she hissed and I gulped before I looked down.

Jesy just nodded before she left and Perrie dragged me to a floor, I never saw before. It probably had something to do with her gang stuff and my body shivered when I thought about the things, that might have happened here. She dragged me into an empty room. Only a chair and a closet was in it and I noticed that cuffs were applied on the chair.

My hands became very sweaty out of fear. "Will you....", I stuttered out very terrified but Perrie shook her head. "You won't sit in the chair. This chair is only meant for people, who refuse to tell me what I want to know. Do you know something I want to know?", she asked and I quickly shook my head.

"Good. Then I will use this room differently. Put those lingery on.", she said and gave me the lingery, she forced me to try on at Victoria's secret. I looked at her very confused but she got instanly annoyed. "Don't question my orders. Just do it. I'll wait outside. Knock when you're done.", she said before she walked out, locking the door behind her.

At least she had a little respect towards me left. So she just wanted me to wear this? It definetely could be worse and I didn't want to push her even more. Besides, she already saw me in it anyway. So I quickly changed into the sexy lingery and sighed before I knocked on the door.

To my surprise it wasn't only Perrie, who walked back in, Jesy walked in as well and my heart stopped beating for a second when I saw that she holded Leigh Anne in her arms. Leigh Anne's wrists were cuffed together and a tape was over her mouth. Tears were all over her eyes while she was breathing heavily. She was terrified.

"Tie her to the chair.", Perrie said very monotone and Jesy sighed before she did what Perrie said. I tried to cover my almost naked body with my hands while Jesy was walking past me but Perrie roughly grabbed my wrists to force me to show it. "Hoes, who run away from me don't deserve to cover up their bodies.", Perrie breathed into my ear and goosebumbs developed all over my body.

Leigh Anne was now tied to the chair while Jesy stood behind her, waiting for her next order while Perrie had a sinister grin all over her face. "Let's see what we have inside that closet.", Perrie said and Jesy instanly opened it and I gasped when I saw multiple torture instruments in them. "These babies make people talk but they also make people do what I want. Should we try it on your friend?", Perrie said and nodded at Jesy, who took a large knife out of the closet and holded it against Leigh Anne's hand.

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