Chapter Two

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Bryan's P.O.V

I was kneeling, I had just flattened the last of the carpet down, "There, finally done! I need to thank Mark for telling me of the misplacement." I murmur to myself, I hear a whirling noise and looked up to see Helpy waking up.

"Hi Helpy! How was your charge?" I asked the bot, turning over to her and sitting down on the new, fluffy carpet.

"It was nice! How did you get the carpet? It's looks so fluffy!" She squealed.

However, right as I was about to answer we hear a deep, thankfully not scratchy, voice, "What's with the squealing..."

I squeaked, and Helpy screamed. "U-um h-hello I'm B-bryan. I'm the o-owner of this rest-restaurant. Who may you be?" I asked the rusted green bunny.

"My name is Spring-trap. I think I'm still the ceo of Fazzbear entertainment." The, now known, male said.

"Ceo... I thought that was Afton...? You know what, I'm learning not to question anything anymore. So, I hope you don't mind, but I made some modifications to your suit! This way you could walk around the place during the day." I tell the bunny, I look around for a mirror but just take out my phone and snap a picture of him.

"Here, that's what you look like." I hand the phone over to him and he freezes.

"What did you- how did you-..." He was in shock, I don't know what about, all I did was make him look less scary.

"How did you do this? How did you make me look... So different but... Still me?" The rabbit asked, bringing his onyx eyes to meet my chocolate ones.

"Nothing much really, I wanted to keep your style while bringing you up to code! So I just sorta filed down your teeth and clean the rust. For the rips I just put a light gold color to highlight your suit. You used to be Spring Bonnie, correct?"  I explained while taking my phone back and putting it away. I see him nod his head so I smile in response.

"Well, I thought it would look nice!  Especially with the brown with gold wind design tux. I hope you don't mind the changes..." I said shyly at the end, rubbing my neck.

"Not at all, the changes look amazing! Thank you so much!" Spring-trap says in aww. He spins around and the vest of his suit, which has two tails, folowed. The crimson red tie helps complement his look with a pastel, lilac-purple shirt. "This is bloody brilliant! I look like a ring leader!" He exclaimed.

"That was sorta the point." I smile shyly. I don't know why, but I wish to keep on Spring-trap's good side. I feel like things could go badly if not.

Spring-trap still has his old green, rustic look. But where his ear was ripped I attached an old Spring-Bonnie part. In the various rips and tears I sewed a rustic, but light gold color. His teeth are now dulled and look like marble. His paws have black fingerless gloves. He also has a pair of black dress shoes.

Suddenly, visions (maybe memories?) of betrayal and destruction flash before my eyes.

While I was distracted Helpy was arguing with Spring-trap and ended up whacking his head.

I feel myself falling. My knees crash to the ground and my torso follows, hitting the carpet sideways.

I feel a stabbing pain in my head, I faintly hear an 'Ow.' from Spring-trap and I hear Helpy screaming something before a ringing covers them.

After a few minutes, the visions and the pain fade away until it vanished. I feel my senses come back to me and find myself in a fetal position. I unfurl and I look up to see two worried animatronics above me.

I looked towards Spring-trap and my head starts to hurt again. "Bryan, are you okay?" The bunny asked.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. How are you? I saw the hit Helpy did. That must have left a nasty dent." I say, sitting up and move to my knees.

"Oh no, you just randomly collapsed. You're not moving just yet." Said Spring-trap. He tries to softly push me back down but I ruin that by standing up.

"I'm fine though! I don't know what happened. I had these weird vision like things and then I heard you say... Something, and suddenly I find myself on the floor. I'm okay, I promise." I lied. I have a faint idea of what happened but if I wish for the pain to stop returning I need to fix that dent.

I walk over to my bag and pull out a few things before the two robots could stop me. Spring-trap heads over to me, I turned around and sat him in a chair.

"Bryan...? What are you-" he was cut off when I started to fix the dent. I was completely silent in focus. Once I was done, the pain was gone.

I knew this was the contract. But I was not supposed to feel that much pain. 'Some of which, must have come from the visions. It's supposed to be unnoticeable to others.' I hummed, I notice a golden green hand waving in front of my face.

"Hm? Oh, I'm sorry. What did you need?" I asked Spring-trap.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worriedly. I look into his eyes and smile.

"I'm fine! I'm just thinking I have to think of some rules. Nothing major. Just nothing dangerous that could inflict major damage to you animatronics. Like hitting someone with a wrench!" The last part I looked to Helpy who was backing away slightly.

I just sigh, not wanting to make them think of a different reason for this, I explain. "Just think about it this way. If an incident worse then this happened close to opening, we would have to take you into a back room to fix you up.

"Even though you guys don't have pain receptors you are still sentient. I don't want you guys to get injured and add insult to injury by being stuck in a room for who knows how long depending on the injury.

" That's just isolation and if something makes you loose a limb! Well, we better hope there's a part. Spring-trap being the original, we won't be able to get any part that would match him if he were to get into such a incident.

"Because he has been in such horrid conditions the only parts we could get would be gold. We would have to get him an entirely new suit and that's close to impossible." As I was reasoning with them, I tried to read them.

I don't wish to get on their bad side for they are made of metal. The look from Spring-trap is understanding and... Pride? Nah, that can't be. Helpy looks a little annoyed but can see my reasons.

"Now, let's get ready to open okay? I have to go soon to take care of some things but I don't wish to leave you guys unaided. I believe Helpy has my number in case of an emergency. Is there anything you two would need me to do before I leave for the day?" I asked, I was heading towards the kitchen to make some of the pizzas so it's ready when the customers get here.

"Well, you are already making pizza, so I guess not..." Helpy said.

"Okay then, I'll be back later today for our mini-games, shopping, and vent check." I opened up the pizzeria and after twenty minutes I was able to leave. I made sure that everything was okay before I left.

It's not like we could get a lawsuit on our first day or anything.

I walked to my home and went to bed. It was a little hard since it was day time but staying up all night helped me fall asleep.

If someone could draw Spring-trap I will put it in the chapter and give you the proper credit. Please tag me in the chapter of the drawing. If it helps, I can make a starting sketch. I'm not good at drawing but a template usually helps.

Phionex out~

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