Chapter Twenty

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Third Pov.

Today, you may find yourself in a different place then usual. Instead of some civilized chatter there is shouting and vehicles in places you couldn't imagine how they got there.

Especially considering the fact there was no damage to the building, due to there being a semi truck sitting in the center of the main room.

Meet Jon. This is what he has to deal with constantly. So I would assume you could understand his initial casualness to a replica of himself sitting on his desk.

He had sat down at said desk and opened his email before realizing the abnormality.

"Can I... Help you?" Jon asked his replica.

"Ah, yes. Do you happen to know someone by the name of Bryan Divil?" Asked the lookalike.

"Why do you ask...?" The native Jon asked. Jon had narrowed his eyes in suspicion towards his lookalike, he didn't want anything bad to happen and be blamed for it.

"My name is JonJon, such as yours. I came here in hopes that you would be able to help me find my dimensions Bryan. We where taken from our home and just want to be back with our families. However, when we escaped from our tormentors we where separated from each other. Now do you understand why I came to you? Bryan would have gone to himself such as I have. Will you help me?" The second Jon said, meanwhile, his hands fidgeted with something and his eyes had a tendency changed colors every few minutes during his introduction.

"Fine, I'll help. But I have to ask for something in return. Which, if we are the same person, you probably knew would happen. Now, what do you have to offer?" Jon had asked, laying the base of negotiation.

"I offer my services of keeping that fox of yours out of trouble. In my world, some of us are able to become apart of any program feasible as long as we have enough time to learn the base mechanics. Bryan and myself are two of those individuals. If things get to bad I'll join his coding in order to stop it. How does that sound? Also, you can call me Virtual Jon, or VJ, while I reside here. All I ask is that I sleep in your phone." The replica now named Virtual Jon offered, thinking it was a reasonable deal considering what he has witnessed.

Jon considered it, his Rockstar Foxy is too much to handle sometimes and the deal with. And another person around would help out greatly. There was only one thing that was bugging him however.

"What do you mean by 'sleep in my phone'?" Jon asked baffled.

VJ chuckled as he suspected he would be asked that.

"Just like most electrical devices, I need to 'charge'. However I don't drain any battery life. It makes us, virtual beings more... Human... So to speak. Sleeping in your phone, not only will you be able to ask me for help when you need it, I can also control myself from glitching and keep my energy 'full'." VJ explained with a playful smirk to his fellow jester.

"Alright... Deal. But i need to go make a call...." Jon said before shooing VJ out of his office.

Jon dug his phone out from his back pocket and dialed the only person he could in this situation.

"Hey Bryan, have you ever seen an alternate version of yourself? Like, in real life?"


Bryan, who was sitting at his breakfast bar, had been staring at his duplicate across from him for a while now. His arrival was different from the others so he was very curious.

"So who are you?" Bryan asked, feeling a little silly about it.

"I'm you! But I guess you mean what I am/called? In that case I'm Virtual Bryan! You can call me VB." The virtual being introduced himself.

"Hm, how did you get here?" Bryan interrogated.

"After blowing up what was basically my prison, I realized I wasn't in kansas anymore. Sadly I lost Todo after the explosion." VB joked.

The other alternates surrounding the two laughed silently at the reference.

Bryan raised his eyebrow with a small smile on his face. "And who is Todo?"

Bryan's phone, which was sitting on the granite, begun to ring. VB looked at the caller and said "Him." With a smile on his face.

Bryan gave VB an confused look before picking up his phone and seeing thr caller I.D. Bryan started laughing at who VB called Todo before answering the call.

Before Bryan had a chance to say anything, Jon had said "Hey Bryan, have you ever seen an alternate version of yourself? Like, in real life?"

Bryan blinked before looking around him and said "um, yes..? Are you talking about the virtual version of you? Because I had just met mine."

"Oh, great! So I'm not going insane! That's a relief..." Jon had sighed on the other end of the phone.

"No, you aren't. But is that the only reason why you called?" Bryan asked with a hint of sadness. They haven't really talked that often, and with Jon starting his own Fazbear Pizzeria Bryan didn't want to bother him.

"No, I wanted to ask if I could come over soon VJ wants to talk to VB."

"O-oh! Okay I just wanted to be sure is all. When would you fancy coming over?" Bryan asked, feeling a pang in his chest.

He immediately pulling up a defense card of his, as to not show he was hurt by the new manager's comment.

"Does Monday of next week work? I have to do something over here first." Jon said distractedly, loud noises that sound vaguely like an explosion and pirate gibberish can be heard from his side of the line.

"Yeah, sure! Have a great day Jon!" Bryan said before hanging up and letting out a depressed sigh before pulling up a smile as to not worry the other versions around him.

"I suggest we go to work now." Bryan smiled before standing up and brushing himself off. He grabbed his satchel from a hook next to the door and walked out of the tree.

"Is he... Is he going to be okay?" VB asked, watching his new host walk away before the door had shut.

"Yeah... He's just a little lonely I guess." Veil spoke, feeling the hidden emotions of his counterpart.

"He is right though, if we don't dissipate soon he'll be out of range. I'll see you guys in the mindscape." Veil reasoned before dissipating, and his example was soon followed one by one with the others.

Phionex out~

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