Chapter Three

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No one's P.O.V.

Run. That's all they can think. Run! That's all they can do. That's all he can do. Just keep running! Said a voice in his head. You need to keep running! Said another. Please keep running. Another voice begged. The male was tired. He had to leave everything once he heard the growl. He's only grateful that he left it in a tree he could recognize.

You're tired... Said the first voice. 'Thanks captain obvious.' the male thought. He was tired. He didn't sleep for days prior. It's pitch dark, but only because of the trees. It's actually close to four pm.

I was going to say 'let me help you!' but noooo you decide to be a jerk about it. The man actually said "You better help, because if I die you die!" The first voice whimpered slightly but forgave his host for he was being chased by wolves.

The male suddenly has dark brown wolf ears and a matching tail that have light brown wind markings. He whirls around and growled.

The wolves halt and bow. The leader of the chase barked "My apologies, I did not realize you where a child of the moon."

"It is alright, but just know. I am only a mere part of the child of the elements. It is hard to differentiate my scent. But if anyone dares to attack my host, I will not show any mercy." The wolf child growled. The wolves left and he turned back to normal.

'I am so sorry Lumine' the male thought. It is okay, I understand the situation. I will keep in mind to joke after the life threatening situation. The male just laughed and headed back to his base.

Bryan's P.O.V

"Ah, another day at Freddy Fazzbear's Pizza. I wonder what my friends will be up to today!" I say, skipping to the entrance of my pizzeria.

I'm supposed to get a call soon from Michael. And to be honest? I'm scared. What if he seems me an unsuitable owner? What would I do?

As I was questioning my life, I opened the curtain and find Helpy yelling at Spring-trap.

"What's going on here?" I asked the two.

"He!-pointing to Spring-trap- got us a lawsuit!" Yelled Helpy.

I froze, 'how could this be?! I looked up the health an safety codes and double checked it while I was fixing him! How could this be?!' my breath speeds up a bit. "Give it to me please." I say, trying to not have a panic attack. We were open for one day and we already get a lawsuit?! For what!

Once Helpy hands it over. I look to see who's sueing us... It was Helpy. I looked over the lawsuit and see it's for danger hazards and health violations that I already fixed. And for accidents that didn't even happen. In. This. Pizzeria!

"Helpy... What is this." I say lowly. She just responds with, "It's a lawsuit!"

I growl a little and look into her eyes. My chocolate brown eyes narrow into her bright blue ones. "I mean... Why did you sue us?" I asked shockingly calm.

"What?! Hold on, let me see this." Said Spring-trap, who grabbed the form and begun reading it. Before I lunged at Helpy he said, "It's invalid. This was never signed by an actual lawyer and everything on here is taken care of already or false." He said.

I back away from Helpy, my fists clenched in anger. I took a deep breath and felt my muscles relax, I opened my eyes and looked at Helpy stoically. "Helpy,- I pinched my nose.- why would you do that?" I questioned. "If you had a complaint you could have told me instead of downright suing me!" I continued.

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