Chapter Eight

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Bryan's P.O.V.

Well, that just happened.

On our way back to the pizzeria, I felt a jolt of pain going through my spine. That made me freeze, so naturally the animatronics that have become my friends looked toward me with concern (Helpy, still in my arms, looked up). Lefty opened his mouth, probably to ask me what was wrong when I bolted.

Keep in mind that Helpy is still in my arms. Now, on my way to the restaurant I may or may not have tripped on a log while taking a short cut through the forest.

So I turned my body so that Helpy was on top of me. I fell, slid a few feet and got right back up. Meanwhile Helpy is trying to get information out of me on why I was acting the way I did.

It took me five minutes after falling to get back to the pizzeria. My back was feeling cold at this point but i didn't care. When I walked through the curtain I saw the movers handling Happy Frog weirdly. I put down Helpy, who was curious on what was going on, and walked over to the movers.

I snatched Happy Frog from the movers, mumbling angrily about "mishandling" and "circuit damage"

Sure enough, there were a few broken wires that, because of the damage, would have made her more hyperactive then she would have been.

"Did you know what you could have done if it wasn't just the calming system you messed with? Animatronics can be very dangerous if handled incorrectly." My voice became deeper, as I walked toward them.

"Animatronics, if you hurt their wiring or endoskeleton to much can kill someone. They aren't made to do that. Hell, a lot of them have emotion sensors put in and they wouldn't be able to take the guilt. But some of them do have a fighting mechanism in case of a threat to protect the children. You are lucky Happy Frog is not one of them. For if one wire was snapped. You may have died. Now get out, and the next time you are dealing with an animatronic, be careful." I growled as I pointed to the door. Scaring them all as they bolted out the door.

I huffed and turned back to Happy Frog. "Let's fix you up, shall we?" As I was working on her I didn't hear Lefty or Spring come in.

I did tell them about my focus so they most likely left me alone. For when I was finished, Spring looked at me and said "Hey Bryan, ya good?"

I had stood up and wiped the dirt and oil of my hands using a cloth I took out a bit ago.

"Yeah, just something with the movers. They broke some of Happy Frog's wiring so I shouted at them." I shrugged and threw the cloth onto my backpack.

To be honest, I didn't know what I was expecting, but a bone crushing hug from Lefty was not what I thought would have happened.

"I was worried! You just ran like your life depended on it, I almost had a heart attack! Are you okay?! Helpy also told us what you said. Thank you for that." Fretted the bear.

"Bryan, none of the animatronics have such systems, why did you say that?" Asked the C.E.O., I just sighed and shook my head.

"I know, but most of you were designed to kill. What would have been better to say. My half truth, or the full truth?" I questioned him, my reasoning beating his own.

I turned back to the amphibian animatronic and walked to their control panel. I clicked it open and flipped the switch to the 'on' position.

The frog's eyes fluttered open after making the Windows XP power on sound. "Why, Hello~ everyone! How are you doing today?" Asked the hyperactive female.

"Hello Happy Frog, I'm Bryan. The owner of this establishment. This is Spring, he is the first and current C.E.O. of Freddy Fazzbear's entertainment. This is Helpy, she is an A.I. tasked with helping me. She helped me create this place. And this is Lefty! He is a comedian and one of the performers of the pizzeria, you will be working with him during open hours. After the doors close for the day, we just hang out and play mini-games. Lastly we have Baby, she is offline right now, she needs to charge. We found her recently in pretty rough shape. We only just fixed her and wish to let her charge before trying to power her on." I introduce while walking around the room. When I reached Baby, I plugged her into the charging station.

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