Chapter Seventeen

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Why the hell am I here... I don't want to talk to the readers.

Their too nice.

Little Moon~ why would you do this willingly?

Oh. You want me to talk about myself a little bit? Eh, might as well~

As I am a real person in the story, I am not in the real world. I am what you call.... A dark part of the mind.

(Shuffling is heard in the background. A door is slammed open and Dusk walks in)

"Get the hell away from here."

Aww, isn't this cute! Dusky wusky wishes to help their host~

I can't do that, you see, I'm the person the author here doesn't want to be! I'm the thoughts that harm them when verbal comments towards her rub the wrong way.

"Just leave. We don't want you here. And by your earlier comments, you don't want to be here either."

(Dusk growled, razor like claws sprouting from his fingertips.)

"We aren't just Bryan's sides. We are 'Little Moon's' as well. Now leave, or else their will be consequences."

(He threatened the figure. The figure sighed before bringing their hands up.)

I knew I shouldn't have talked through the story base... Oh well, goodbye Dusk.

"Good riddance, oh, hello! Don't worry about them. They won't be talking for a while. I asked Daniel, Mason, and Dawn to sort of kidnap them. They will be let go after a good beating. We are really protective of our host's, so this is normal for any minor threats. Now that Luna has complete control, I bid you a farewell and happy readings!"

(With that, Dusk walked away from the mic and walked out of the room, locking it away from the unwanted.)

Bryan's Pov.

After the weird day yesterday, i finally get to talk to the glitchy bunny. All I know is that he has three personalities, one is psychotic while the other is caring and protective. But only towards Spring. The last one is innocent and childish. But I don't mind that at all, it honestly just shows he had a hard life and needs to be like a kid once and a while.

The real life glitch appeared before me hopping in place.

"Hello! I am so ģ̸̧͉̜̩̱̰̻̻̱̪̟̓̾̎͜l̸̜̃̽̆͑̋̅̉́̒̊̾̌̕͝ǎ̶̧̛͓̬͑̀͊̿̊͛̂̓͜͠͝ḑ̸̰̘̘̘̹̻͉͇͓͚̬̥̃͂̓ͅ to meet you! You make Will happy, so now you are my friend! Hurt Will, I kill you." He started all bubbly then glared at me in the coldest way possible with venom dripping from his voice.

"I-I understand, may I call you Glitch? Whenever I say "trap" it makes me feel like I'm calling you a capturing device, and I don't really feel comfortable doing that." I ask awkwardly.

"Sure thing p̷̛̜̭̏͌̇̀͘̚a̴̩̝̭̖͚̖̮͈̹̹̜̥̿͋͛l̸̰̙̲͇̲̠̻̾̓́͜!̷͖̯̣̤̞̹̘̣̮̺̇̎̐͘" Glitch said, sitting on thin air.

I just look at him questioningly and shook my head.

"So... What did you want to talk about." Glitch asked, his tone serious and calculating.

"I have this feeling that we need to make some sort of alliance for something.... I have flashbacks from... I think a past life or something that is just really terrible." I tried to explain, barely believing the words out of my own mouth.

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