Chapter Five

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Bryan's P.O.V.

I was dancing to a song I found on YouTube recently. It's really fun to dance too. I wonder what the lyrics mean though, they are in a different language and I don't know which.

I hear rustling in the bushes, I crouch and snatch my dagger from my right boot. I see an outline and I almost pounced at it. Before I did, the figure said, "Hey host, it's just me. Lumine."

I sighed and put down the dagger. I sat down as I did so. "Lumine! What have I told you about not being creepy?!" I scold my wolf. His ears pin themselves to his head and he looks down, tail between his legs.

"Not too, otherwise there may be a day were I could get hurt for I may be seen as a threat." He repeated from memory. I sigh, rubbing my hand down my face.

"Come here," I say with my arms opened wide. The Omega walks towards me and hugs me tightly. His tail raps around me as he buries his head in my neck. I glance at him and smile.

"Come on pup, you need to rest. And I need to get to work." I tell my animal counterpart.

He looks me in the eyes, his amber meeting my chocolate eyes, and nods. He slowly fades back into the mindscape.

As I start walking to the Pizzeria, i think about the outfits I picked out for Helpy and Lefty. For Lefty, I picked out a navy blue suit. With only one button on the jacket for it's supposed to be a mostly open. I also sewed a gold vine like pattern were one of them curl up around the pocket above where the heart is supposed to be. The pattern curls up randomly around while intertwining in some places. I also have navy blue and ice blue ribbons intertwined to wrap around his hat.  Lastly, he will get black boots with those two colored strings for laces.

For Helpy, I decided on a pastel lilac knee long dress with a snowflake pattern around the waist up to the collar, covering the entire top with silvery snowflakes. The bottom of the dress is lined with lace and bottom half of the dress have a v like line from the waist down to the middle of the dress on all four sides. The color of this pattern a radiating pastel pink. I also decided to make her a flower crown with lilacs and pastel pink flowers infused with magic from Sora to make it last until Helpy truly wishes it to be destroyed. She will also have a pair of lilac colored ballerina shoes with a pastel pink flower at the toe.

As I thought about this I didn't realize I made it to the restaurant. Not until Fallen told me to go inside anyway.

"Ah, another day at Freddy Fazzbear's Pizzeria! I wonder what my friends are up to today." I said, knowing i arrived later then i usually do so they would probably be awake already.

As I stepped foot into the main room, what I see puts a smile to my face. I see Lefty, Helpy, and Spring-trap learning sign language. Being animatronics, learning a non-verbal language is harder then normal since you can't exactly use a translator app.

"Hello, how are you guys doing today? I have Helpy's and Lefty's outfits ready if you wish for them." I sign to them once I gained their attention.

"How do you know sign?" Asked Spring-trap.

"I have a twin sister, she is mute." I say simply. I take off my bag and repeat, "Helpy, Lefty, your outfits are ready if you wish to wear them."

Helpy squeals so high I can't understand her, but she grabs the outfit and rushes to the bathrooms to put it on properly. Lefty nods his head and grabs his own cloths before heading to the restrooms.

"Are you going to do this for every animatronic?" Asked the bunny. I look towards said bunny and smile. "Yes, it's like a welcome gift almost. I want them to enjoy it while also feeling comfortable. And if it gets stained or ripped I could fix it. I truly have no problem with it. And if they don't want an outfit, that's fine. You guys can do whatever you want. I just want to do something nice for you guys." I explained quietly.

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