Chapter Four

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Lumine's P.O.V.  warning 4.

My host decided to let me out for a moment in his tired state. I appreciate it! It's hard being inside a head with thirteen others so far! Not including the host, but seriously. Why are more people joining?! How, are they joining?

My host asks us the same thing. Apparently, something keeps bringing us to him. We all wish to protect him though. Even the more... Vile ones. I can't believe those two fused though. That was unlikely.

I closed my amber eyes and laid down in the forest. I'm wearing a red hunting tunic with two daggers on my side. My dark brown pants match my shoes and my chocolate hair and tail have light brown air swirls. It's really cool!

My features never looked like this before i came to my host, but i like it like this.

My eyes shot open when i caught a whiff of prey. I change to my wolf form and prowl around.



My stomach growled again and my fur is tinted red from embarrassment. I shook my head and followed my prey's scent.

It's a deer, a mighty buck. This shall last my host a good while! I pounced onto the unsuspecting prey.

I knocked it over and bit into it's neck. My mouth floods with it's blood and I jerk my head up. Tearing it's throat out. What used to be his vocal strings, trachea, and esophagus fall to the ground.

I turn back to the buck and bring up my claws. I slash down on it's stomach and blood floods to the forest floor. With that, I start to eat my fill.


When i was finished my muzzle was covered in blood. I transformed back and cut up the remains and put them in containers for later.

I walked to a near by river and washed the blood off of myself.

From there, I took a trail back to base to sleep for the night. Happy that my host wont be hungry for the next few days.


Bryan's P.O.V.

"Ah, another day at Freddy Fazzbear's Pizzeria, I wonder what my friends are up too today!" I smiled as i walked inside, i opened up the right curtain and saw, who I hope are my friends, Spring-trap and Helpy talking.

"Hey Bryan, Helpy's wondering if we can get a new animatronic for the place." Said Spring-trap. I hummed and walked over to them.

Helpy gave me a new currency which intrigued me. "Helpy? Where can we use this currency?" I asked the small bot. Twirling the gold coins in my hands unconsciously.

"They are for our new sponsor! Since we are doing better, and we bought out Daniel's dump yard, a store decided to sponsor us!" Exclaimed the female, I smile at this.

"Well, we are doing better because of you two! Exception of Helpy's little stunt, you two have been performing amazingly! Maybe you're right Helpy, maybe we should add a new member to the crew. This way you aren't working as hard." I thought aloud. If we get a new animatronic it would put less strain on Spring-trap, therefore a lesser chance of him getting hurt.

"Alright, Helpy? Lead the way." I announced. Making an exaggerated gesture to let her go first. 

She bounded out of the main room into the lobby and opened the sliding doors to the outside world.

Spring-trap follows her calmly and waits until I leave the room to close the curtain.

We walk out if the restaurant and I close the glass doors. We then walked with the bouncing bot to the new store.

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