Chapter Twenty-One

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Third Pov.

Bryan walked solemnly to the restaurant. He sighs before plastering on a smile and lifted his head, successfully hiding his disappointment. The manager opened the glass doors and was greeted by Helpy, who was sitting in the reception area.

"Hey Helpy! How's it going?" Bryan cheered 'happily'. "Things are going well! How are Baby and Happy Frog's outfits going?" Helpy had questioned.

Bryan brought out an authentic smile and pulled two packages in brown paper out of his bag. "Just finished them last night!" He said proudly.

"That's great! They will love them!" Helpy complimented and continued whatever activity she had started earlier.

Bryan walked to his usual curtain and pulled it open. He was greeted with the sight of a birthday party. This had confused him as he kept a calendar of everyone's birthday next to his bedroom door and can't recall seeing someones name on there.

Bryan was brought out of thought by Orville, who grabbed him by his hand and dragged him to the crowd of animatronics and dead people. "Um, what's going on?" Bryan asked Michael who had shrugged and pointed to Lefty.

"It's my birthday!" Lefty exclaimed, smiling goofily at the questioner. Bryan frowned and said sadly "But I had that marked for three months from now... Was I mistaken...? I'm sorry I didn't bring you a gift. I was a little busy with Baby and Happy Frog's welcoming present..."

This made Lefty feel a little guilty. Just as he was about to speak up, Spring-trap had said that Bryan was correct on Lefty's birthday and that this was just a mechanic of Lefty's.

"Wait really?!" Bryan had asked incredulously. Spring elbowed Lefty hard in his "ribs" and Lefty piped up with "Y-yeah... Sorry Bryan!" Bryan winced and said "It's okay! Just please don't lie about your birthday, it'll just get confusing."

Suddenly there was a glowing orb coming from Bryan's phone that formed into a human. The light disappeared and a replica of bryan appeared before the others. He grabbed a piece of cake and just sat on thin air.

"Hi, names VB and I come from a world of some half technological half biological beings. VJ will be joining us tomorrow." He giggled wildly before stuffing his face with the cake.

"And whom may you be..?" Spring asked after the initial shock passed through the room.

"Like I said! VB! That's short for Virtual Bryan. Jon is coming here I believe next Monday with VJ to discuss this or something. I honestly came out for the cake." VB said casually with a shrug. Shoving the slice into to his mouth all at once.

"How did this happen....?" Micheal asked the original. "No clue, he just showed up at my house randomly and then Jon called me about his virtual person. So I thought I should bring him here so he doesn't give you guys either a heart attack or mechanical failure on Monday. Since it seems like he loves to do that." He replied calmly.

"Thanks for doing so, I appreciate it greatly." Spring said

"So, what should we do since this was a celebratory disaster. It would feel like a waste to not do anything." Lefty asked, guilt scratching him.

"Well, it isn't really a disaster, we can still celebrate Bryan's official employment, we just need to clear all the birthday decorations." Micheal planed, gesturing to the streamers and part hats.

"What should we do then?" Asked Orville, clearing some of the tables of birthday items.

Everyone looked around in thought.

VB saw a Karaoke machine in the corner and his eyes lit up like stars.

VB looked at Bryan and the later had this feeling of dread claw up his spine and fall into his heart. Bryan was slightly shaking his head no while staring at his counterpart. Said being was smiling like a mad man and walking over to the machine; blatantly ignoring Bryan's silent plea.

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