Chapter Seven

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Fallen's P.O.V.

Silly mortal.... He needs to take more care of himself. He's hurting, because he brought that girl here. I hope she gets fixed soon.

"Hey Fallen, what's got you thinking?" My lighter counterpart asked.

"Nothing Sora, I just hope the girl gets fixed soon." I replied, the others thought we would be enemies. But that proved not to be the case once we actually talked to each other. Damn that blasted sword. If it wasn't destroyed by Mario, I would have done it myself. If it was one of the rare moments I was in control of course.

"I hope so too Fallen, I can feel the pain radiate from the contract. I should have warned Bryan..." Sora said, guilt lacing his voice as he puts himself in a depressing mental spiral.

"It's not your fault Sora, neither is it mine or any of the others. Bryan's philosophy is weird but admirable. If someone else doesn't get hurt, then he will do it. We aren't feeling pain, but we know it's there. And that's fine by him." I explained. We have been with Bryan since we where sixteen. After... The incident, we where banished from camp. Just like the others we are Bryan. It seems though, this was supposed to be our punishment. But as Bryan, not a part of him.

This is why Bryan dislikes the portal. It's unstable and can easily be tampered with. Thankfully, Bryan is taking a break in the dream realm. He needs it after all that he has been through.

As a part of Bryan, we can see his memories, and his 'sides' there is Dawn, the good part of his creativity, his romance, confidence, and protectiveness. Once Veil, a crazed version of Bryan, joined... They sort of fused... After a while we understood how they could be mistaken as the same person. But that's for another day.

Dawn's counterpart is Dusk, the bad part of his creativity, the dark humor, and insecurities. He is the side that helps bring up a mask, or front to help protect Bryan.

Then there is Daniel, his deceit. He lies, mostly to protect us all. Sometimes it hurts, but he always apologizes afterwards. His speech is backwards of course so we have to translate. He is a very caring side though. In actuality, all of them do everything they can to protect Bryan. To a very scary point, if I may add.

It is honestly scary when someone new appears because they go through initiation. And the sides don't have mercy. Not even Morality.

Morality is named Mason, Bryan must have gone through something terrible, for he acts like a helicopter parent to a new level. He won't let anyone bring him harm from inside the mindscape.

Next is Levi, his Logic, he is very strategical about how things are done around here. It is severely taxing, but he knows limits so he always sets up relaxation weeks to recharge. It's about once every two-three months. Once we had to relax for a month because of a particularly bad and draining situation.

That made us wake up about the dangers Bryan faces.

Lastly is Vixen, or Vix. He is his shyness and anxiety. He is the fight or flight side and he is the actually the most protective of the sides. He is the one that has to face these situations head on as the fear.

I witnessed some memories I wish I hadn't, so now I know why Bryan's sides act as they do. Sora, being my counter part knew when I found out. It's a blessing and a curse. The sides knew they couldn't hide it anymore so they showed everyone.

Now we also guard him. Unlike his sides, we can materialize whenever we wish. And take complete control.

Sora seems to know what I was thinking about as he rubbed the small part of my back in between my wings. I feel my muscles relax, maybe we can help this Bryan. And maybe... Maybe he will be able to help us...

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