Five // Sleepover nightmare

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"What's with the red face? It's nothing I haven't seen before." Oikawa teased some more. He was right but somehow it felt different for him to be so exposed.

"Y-yeah." He cursed himself for stuttering.

'We're both guys.' He couldn't help but mumble to himself and think aloud.

"That's right." He looked up startled. Oikawa was just throwing on his shirt when the other spun around and was standing directly in front of his setter.

He took a step back in fear. "Is something wrong Iwa-chan?" He shook his head and sat down.

"No, let's just start the movie." And that's what they did. Oikawa couldn't help but glance at his childhood friend. Curiosity struck him fiercely as questions from the previous nights infiltrated his mind like a sharp blade piercing skin.

The two boys sat there helpless. One peeking at the other while the other couldn't get rid of that blush that fanned his cheeks. The redness not seeming to disappear.

Iwaizumi puffed out his cheeks in exasperation trying to think of a way for the awkward tension to lightly fade away into nothingness. He stretched his sore limbs out of pure instinct and rubbed against Oikawa's arm and shoulder. He didn't stiffen this time as he didn't seem to notice.

The other seemed to notice as he slightly moved away from the carefree boy. His arm tingled and his eyes grew large as he looked at Iwaizumi with calculative eyes. Ones that said 'what's happening'.

As they sat on the floor in front of Oikawa's bed- one was sprawled out on the floor while the owner of the bed had his legs pulled up to his chest with his chin resting on his knees and his back against the side of his mattress. Blankets and pillows were everywhere along with the snacks they had bought on the way over.

Oikawa's eyes were closed but as he opened them his eyes trailed from the movie and to the boy only a few inches away from him. His shirt had ridden up exposing his tanned skin on his torso. His hands twitched to touch but he knew he couldn't and possibly never be able to fulfill his secret desires towards someone who was indeed not straightforward to such things.

He released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He moved away some more. Iwaizumi was too focused on watching the movie that he didn't notice the mood of the longing atmosphere. It sent chills down his spine soon enough and that's when he looked over in fear and made eye contact with intense eyes that sent his heart in a brawl. 

Fighting the urge to look away he couldn't, at least not this time. Though the pain started again in his chest he had to ask out of worry "What's wrong? Are you okay Oikawa?"

Oikawa swallowed the lump that began to build up in his throat and rubbed his sweaty palms on his pyjama bottoms. "Yeah, I'm fine." He stood up stretching his arms over his head. Iwaizumi looked away when his shirt went up and buried his face into the mountain of pillows and blanket sprawled out onto the floor. His shoulders shook, he couldn't help but laugh?

"Hey, what's so funny?" The guys leaning down questioned as he raised an accusing eyebrow.

"Nothing." He let it go after that. He couldn't tell if he was truly laughing at him or if he was even laughing at all. But what he did know is that he did that when things got too stressful and that was a sign of him brushing the current situation away. With a simple light chuckle that told everyone he was not in the mood for any sorts of confrontation.

So Oikawa let it slide, only this once.

Guess you could say with rosy cheeks and avoiding eye contact he so badly wanted to ask.

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