Nine // I hate you

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"You're lying, you have to be.." His mother approached him carefully so he wouldn't run away. It was almost as if he we're fragile and at any given moment he would break or worse fall apart.

He'd either break from being so overwhelmed or from all his pent-up rage. "Honey, please."

The awful look Iwaizumi had on his face got the man on the other side of the room now standing directly in front of his mother. Shielding her away from the boy who looked more then angry but livid.

"Calm down, boy." His blazing eyes finally fixated on the man. Iwaizumi balled his hands into fists restraining himself from turning around and bolting for the door. The tension grew stronger as the both of them just stared vacantly at each other.

The look in the man's eyes almost had Iwaizumi cowering away because of how intense it was. It intensified even more with every breath each of them took. This made the younger male even more angry knowing exactly where his personality and foul temper came from. 

The man known as his father was about to put his hand on his son's shoulder but his movement was halted as Hajime smacked his hand away glaring at him. "Don't fucking touch me." He spat taking steps back to create some kind of distance between him and the unknown.

"Hajime! Language!" His mother barked back. Her voice was soft and wavering but you could still hear the disappointment and the slight anger.

"How long?" He asked her. 

She looked at him daringly. Judging by the reaction she wasn't sure if she should say. The question was vague but she knew exactly what he meant, what he was asking. "I've known about him your entirely life, but just recently have we starting speaking again." She bowed her head looking at the floor dejectedly.

"It's been a couple of months." She admitted finally telling the boy what he really wanted to hear. "He's your father Hajime, I thought..."

"What? That I would be more then happy to finally meet him after so long? Well think again because I haven't been wasting my time waiting. Not once have I been waiting for this day. I knew since day one that you were the only one who'd ever be there for me...between the both of you..." He took in a deep breath before continuing. "I never once thought about the man who walked out on you! On us! I wasn't even born yet when he fucking left you! For you to forgive such a person it's unbelievable. I will not stand here and try to get to know someone who is considered a stranger just because you say he's my father. I don't need him." He slammed his hand against the wall making his mom flinch and back away. Ignoring the pain in his palm and the slight shake of the wall he glared up at him. His father put his arm up to shield her once again. He's never spoken this much at once nor has he ever ranted about anything to his mother especially in front of a stranger. So when he looked up at her apologetically he saw how her eyes widened, how she looked shocked.

"You are not my father." He seethed almost hyperventilating. "I do not have a dad, never have and never will...not under these circumstances." He turned away and just before he was about to exit he said something awful- something he'd most likely regret later on.

But right now he didn't care.

"I hate you, I really do." And with that he left. He left his only chance at knowing who his father really was. He threw his bag full of his laundry and all the other stuff he brought over to Oikawa's over his shoulder walking out the front door.

"Hajime! Get back here right now young man!" The voice started to fade and he was more then glad.

"He'll come around." She said.

"That is one stubborn kid with one hell of an attitude." That was the last thing he heard from their conversation. That deep and low voice that he'd managed to finally hear properly scared him because somehow he remembers it. The man finally spoke with his authoritative voice that boomed with dominance. He's heard that frightening voice before. Somewhere from his childhood, and that made his skin crawl.

He sat down on the steps to his house after proceeding to the slam the front door shut. He sighed heavily putting his head in his hands.

He began thinking the obvious. Possibly, there could have been an ulterior-motive behind the man's actions. Based off of why he left in the first place, he was obviously successful. But for someone to chose their job, to chose anything other then their family is complete fucking trash. Even though he wasn't looking into those intimidating olive-green orbs that looked identical to his own he still cursed him out internally. Along with everything else happening in his life at the moment.

He groaned standing up with shaky legs. "I'm going to have to find a place to stay tonight." He thought aloud. Instead of trying to overthink everything he walked to his backyard with his bag in hand.

He placed it near the shed that looked as if it were about to collapse. Not literally. It was still kind of in decent shape for a little shack that held sports equipment. Grabbing his volleyball he began to throw it in the air and then smash it repeatedly into the side of the big oak tree that was steady and firm near the back of their lawn. It had several broken targets on the ground due to his raw strength and power. Not that he really cared.

He was the ace after all.

At a steady pace he repeated the same thing. The same patterns, throw the ball in the air and then spike it as hard as you can to release some of the built up emotion. Starting with frustration and anger and then so on.

Slowly he began to feel calmer, much more relaxed then before. It would be one hundred times better if Oikawa was there to set to him.

He smiled just thinking about passed memories when he first got involved in the sport, when Oikawa first got him to play. He wished things were simple just as they were back then. When they didn't have to care or didn't have to worry about anything. Just being together and enjoying themselves. No they had college and parents to please.

He bounced the ball on the ground a few times as he made his way further away from the already damaged tree. Beforehand he placed one of the empty water bottles that had fallen over from the previous nights so it was standing up. He threw the ball in the air once he was at a decent distance away from his target. He jumped, arched his back and hit the ball full force completely missing the bottle.

"Damn! Not too bad." A voice said from behind him. His head  jerked to the right to see his annoying neighbour peeking over the wooden fence that blocked off both properties including all the other houses around. "No wonder you'd be chosen as the ace." The same tone whistled earning an eye roll from Iwaizumi.

"Bad day? Or are you always in such a bad mood?" He asked smirking.

"If I answer will you leave me alone?" Iwaizumi snapped clearly losing his patience. He was not in the mood for his shenanigans right now. "No." The other said jumping over the fence.

It was high enough to almost tower over Iwaizumi so when the boy slightly taller then him jumped over it he was a little surprised. "Go away." He groaned already annoyed.

"Oh come on! I'm not that bad Iwaizumi." He said his name in a way that he hated.

"Shut up, Akimura." He mimicked earning a glare. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes for the second time in his presence. "You're so fucking annoying! Why can't you just piss off already!" This time he didn't wait for an answer and stormed down his yard to stack more empty bottles for targets.

"Aren't you gonna ask?" Akimura asked out of nowhere making the other boy look at him with a raised eyebrow before shaking his head.

"What? That you're a damn stalker. No I won't ask." Turning away he whispered incoherent words that Akimura could quite decipher.

"Ahh so you don't care how I got your number." His voice was laced with amusement.

"If you don't shut your mouth I'll seriously considering blocking you." That was supposed to be his last words before returning to ignoring him but his mouth seemed to have a mind of it own as he mumbled hatefully. "You piece of shit."

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