Six // Lies & Forgiveness

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If looks could kill Oikawa would be six feet under. The look Iwaizumi was giving him sent chills down his spine. It was a look full of hatred and disgust at least on the outside. On the inside it was all of his vulnerabilities crumbling, his fears slowly becoming more real and intensified as the heat between the two grew stronger.

His bottom lip quivered, his lips opening and closing not knowing what to say.

"No. You're wrong." Was his first choice of words. "Don't be ridiculous." The denial was radiating off of him in heaps not that Oikawa was aware in the slightest.

"Oh? Is that so?" Iwaizumi nodded his head slowly to show that he was being serious.

"Then tell me this." He stood up towering over the other. Every step he took forward Iwaizumi would take back until his back hit the door to his escape. "Who do you like Iwa-chan?"

"That's none of your business." He spat.

"How could you even ask something like that?" That wasn't something he should've asked so casually and he knew that. People should want to come out of the closet willingly not be pushed forcibly. Guilt and desperation flickered over his features for a second before he masked them.

Iwaizumi pushed Oikawa away from him. "It's as if—" His words were cut off.

"I'm not judging you!" Oikawa yelled. He took in a breath through his nose them released it from his mouth. He sighed heavily thinking of a way to calm down his easily angered friend.

"I don't want to talk about this with you. I'm not—" He looked up glaring at the brunette who's hair looked as if he had just woken up. "I'm not.. into guys. Alright?" He bent down and picked up a few pillows and blankets from the ground.

"I'll be sleeping in the guest room tonight." He said making his way towards the door. His hands gripped the pillows beneath his grasp hiding the fact that he was shaking. He couldn't identify if it was out of anger or just nervousness.

Just as he was about to open the door and make a run from this conversation. A hand latched onto his arm with an iron-like grip pulling him back and shutting the door forcefully. "Don't go." Oikawa pleaded. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked such things so openly."

Iwaizumi glared at him trying to pull away but the grip was just too strong. Neither of them letting up.

Oikawa glared back just as fiercely. "Stop."

And so he did. He stopped fighting, he stopped ignoring the pain pulsating in his neck, and he stopped listening to the small voice in the back of his head.

They stood there both equally frustrated, one holding the other hostage and the other trying to escape the toxicity. "I really don't want to talk about this." Oikawa nodded understanding completely.
After all he knew exactly what it felt like, opening up for the first time. He was attracted to both genders and wasn't ashamed of it but knowing his more-so emotionless friend he knew it wouldn't be easy. Or at least he thought.

"Okay, fine." He let out a breath. "Just... please stay."

The tone of his voice made Iwaizumi flinch. He sounded so desperate and he wasn't sure why. His skin crawled at the mere contact of Oikawa's smooth finger-tips on him. He looked cautiously at the way he stared at him with eyes asking for forgiveness.

He sighed shaking his arm asking Oikawa to let go which he didn't at first. He squeezed his forearm once then let him go slowly making sure he wouldn't run for the door.

The curiosity still bit at Oikawa as he looked at his friend sit back down onto the floor into his earlier position- on his stomach.

You know the saying- 'the night is still young'. He smiled sitting down next to him.

He now realized that he had to be careful what he spoke about when involving Iwaizumi. He wasn't sure what to think anymore after his confession. He wasn't into guys? Does that mean he likes someone from school? Or maybe out of school?

A hurricane flooded his mind with questions that he possibly would never get answers to.

Iwaizumi glanced up at the boy who looked deep in thought. 'Did that conversation really hit a soft spot. It should be me who's confused and angry for intrusion of privacy.' Scratching his head he looked over to see the credits rolling. Because he wasn't tired as of, looking over at the alarm clock- eleven-forty-five read in big bold red letters he sighed playing another movie.

Half way through the movie he heard a 'thud' like sound and looked over to see Oikawa laying slightly crooked against the mattress. Soon enough he fell over completely crashing down on the others backside.

He blushed as soon as he felt the impact of something landing on his behind. It was his best-friend's face and upper body flushed against him.

The feeling was obviously foreign but somehow it felt natural. Like trusting someone you've known all your life for the hundredth time. It wasn't uncomfortable, it was slightly weird but nonetheless not-so awkward. Mostly because the other party was asleep and unaware of his actions.

It was clearly accidental. As mush as he wished it wasn't.

Hours later and he was still wide awake. Insomnia biting at him as usual, he groaned loudly trying to pry his way out from underneath Oikawa. Eventually he managed to do so but the sound of soft whispers caught his attention. He moved a little closer to the peacefully sleeping boy being careful not to wake him.

His thoughts clouded his judgment once again.

So many lies and he couldn't find it in him to tell the truth. Maybe it was better this way, maybe it was for the best. This was probably the best and only solution to his problem. Leave Oikawa to find true happiness with someone he can love and not be ashamed of, not be judged for being so abnormal.

He leaned closer looking at the frown plastered onto his favourite company's face. His hand found its way into the gorgeous hazel locks running his fingers gracefully through his hair enjoying the feeling.

A quiet voice whispered for what felt like the millionth time of what sounded to be his name. "Haji-" Mumbles and more mumbles tumbled out of his full plump lips. The top lip thinner while the bottom slightly more prominent. He stared swallowing the lump forming in his throat.

'This isn't fair you dumbass' He laughed inwardly, humourlessly. Just like he always did when he didn't know what else to do. It was a way to cope you could say.

A hand grabbed ahold of his shirt latching onto it. And for the last and final time that night the same soft and melodic voice whispered into the dark comfortable silence.

This time it was more clear and easily heard. "Hajime, I'm sorry." The boy froze but nevertheless smiled unknowingly. 

"I know, idiot."

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