The night was long and soon ended with Iwaizumi only getting an hour of sleep. As he laid sprawled out on the floor, the dark purple bruises were very noticeable as his eyes twitched with every breath.
The sun shone through Oikawa's slightly open curtains. He groaned upon being blinded from the unwanted beam of light. His eyes slowly peeled open yet he didn't so much as move. He was far to comfortable and warm, it was one of the best nights sleep he's had in a long time. He tried to stretch his sore limbs but his movements were stopped by the sudden weight on his torso.
He looked down shocked just for a moment. He grinned smugly, the first thing he saw as he looked down from his position on the floor was Iwaizumi's every day resting-bitch face. The smile bit by bit slipped off of his face once he saw how pale the other male looked laying flushed against his chest. He had immediately noticed the nasty looking stains beneath his eyes gazing at him.
Did he not sleep well?
He pushed him gently off of him instantly missing the warmth and the blissful feeling of having his arms and legs tangled up with his partner's.
Fixing his shirt he stood up easily lifting Iwaizumi into his arms. 'Was he always this light?'
Moving towards his bed he placed him down onto the cozy looking surface pulling the covers up to his chin knowing he loved sleeping that way. Iwaizumi squirmed a little before turning so his back was facing Oikawa. Grumbling a little under his breath he then proceeded to release a loud snort.
Oikawa laughed smiling like the fool he was with eyes that practically said 'I love this boy so much' written in big bold letters to let the whole world know. That was so damn adorable.' He wished he could've video tapped that.
Cleaning up the mess on his bedroom floor as quietly as possible he stuffed the remaining of snacks into a bag carelessly. He picked up the tornado of blankets and pillows throwing them into a basket placing it by the door so he could carry them downstairs to get them washed. Finally he put the movies away resting his hands on his hips sighing contentedly. Perfect he thought.
Before exiting his room he checked his phone that started to ring loudly, he turned off the volume looking at Iwaizumi making sure he didn't wake him up. He stepped out of the room shutting the door soundlessly adjusting the basked of laundry on his hip as he answered the phone.
"Hey mom." He said into the cellular device.
"Hey honey, the school called why aren't you there?" He froze then kept walking shaking his head.
"Shoot, I totally forgot. Iwa-chan looked extremely exhausted the moment I woke up so were staying home. Is that alright?" She huffed out a breath before agreeing seeing as she adored Hajime and was best friends with his mother and knew all about his horrible sleeping schedule.
"You know you're supposed to be getting the best grades you can get and a perfect attendance for future purposes. What about that college you really wanted to go to." He knew she only meant well but he had to say something to interject the annoying lecture he got whenever he skipped school with Iwa-chan.
"You mean the school you really want me to go to?" He emphasized grumpily on 'really'. Although Oikawa couldn't see the look on his mother's face he knew he hit a soft spot. Her soft voice spoke cautiously. "Yes, that school. Please just think about what's best for you. You know it's because your father and I care about you." He placed the basket on the small counter top in his laundry room. Leaving it there for the time being and heading towards the kitchen to make some coffee.
Of course Iwa-chan would be more then thrilled he thought grinning happily. "I know mom." He muttered.
"I still have time to think about all this. Just let me make my own decisions. Please that's all I ask from the both of you, is for you to respect whatever decision I make. That includes my college, there's plenty options." He brewed the coffee silently waiting for a sarcastic remark and a horrible answer. Something he desperately didn't want to hear but luck was on his side today as he received the opposite.
His mother laughed quietly. "As you wish, that's very good to hear son." What?
"Eh? What do you mean?" He asked confused getting a pan ready to attempt to make breakfast. He knew he wasn't as good of a cook as Iwaizumi but he could still try. "You've grown up so much. We'll respect whatever choice you decide to make." He smiled so bright.
"Thank you so much!" He was like a huge ball of sunshine. They talked for a little while longer before she had to return to work. She hung up the call and that's when he checked his messages.
Several from the rest of the third years. He sighed upon opening them. He answered quickly informing them of Iwa-chan's state and they understood not questioning any further.
The sound of the shower starting reached his ears as he focused on making simple bacon and scrambled eggs. He was not trying to flip eggs, at least not today. Definitely not today.
Oikawa was calling this a relaxing and stay at home day. It was the perfect opportunity to steal his best friend for one more day before he returned to his adobe he rarely left. Just as he finished placing everything on the table his head jerked to the side where he heard yelling. Rushing towards the stairs he peeked around the corner to see Iwaizumi yelling on the phone.
"No! What's wrong with you? And how did you even get my fucking number you stalker." He cursed whoever was speaking on the other line before angrily hanging up and shutting off his phone chucking anywhere so he didn't have to see it. Oikawa knocked then casually walked inside-
"Everything alright? I heard shouting?" Iwaizumi nodded scratching his spiky hair sheepishly and awkwardly grinning. He didn't look genuine not even in the slightest. "Yeah just some prank call." He answered walking out with Oikawa hot on his tail.
"What's that smell. It doesn't smell too bad." He snickered earning a little shove.
"Hey! I made you breakfast and that's how you thank me?" Oikawa glared playfully suddenly rushing to the kitchen to sit down first and stuff his face. "Man I'm hungry!" He complained.
Iwaizumi sat down eating at a decent pace unlike someone. "Don't talk with your mouth full! It's gross as hell." He scrunched up his nose that Oikawa found adorable. He stared for a few moments then remembered the coffee he had also made.
"Here." He said after pouring him a cup full.
"Thanks." They sat in silence just eating.
"I called your mom..again." Oikawa confirmed which he only received a nod in return.
The other was still skeptical of the phone call he got. How? No more like why?
He looked up and just agreed with whatever Oikawa was saying not really caring. "So this movie is alright to start with then?" Zoning back into the conversation he nodded again.
"Yeah sure, I don't care." The other raised an eyebrow daring him to nod again.
After they finished eating, they both cleaned up and made their way to the living room getting comfortable.
Half way through the film Oikawa's phone lit up indicating he got a message.
"When I get home, we're having a talk boy." The message was simple but made him feel slightly nauseous.
Crap he thought aloud.
It was a text from none other then his overbearing and controlling father.

When Our Eyes Meet {Iwaoi}
Fanfiction~ This story will be heavily edited soon as I'm finished writing it. ~ Every time their eyes met, Iwaizumi couldn't help but look away. Iwaizumi always looked at Oikawa from afar admiring everything about his partner. He was in love with him and t...