Iwaizumi's POV
"I love him." I had told my father who sat in front of me. His eyes widened and I glanced away scared of his reaction. Recently I've been feeling down and maybe talking about it so openly was what would make me feel somewhat better.
Mom walked though the door right after as if knowing I had just blurted out my biggest secret. Not only was it one of my biggest secrets but my biggest fear. If Oikawa ever found out he would probably hate me.
What I didn't expect when she sat down beside my father was for her to smile. She grabbed my hand and squeezed. "It's time to tell him Hajime. How you really feel."
"I can't do that." My voice sounded hoarse and just as I was about to speak again I had to clear my throat.
"I can't lose him mum. I won't."
"Iwa-chan?" I froze.
The air around us grew cold and instantly tension brew around in the room. My heart felt as though it stopped. I stood up abruptly knocking my chair backwards. It landed on the cold tiles with a thud.
"Haji-" Before she could utter a single word I ran up the stairs and straight into my room immediately looking for my phone. I dialled the only number I could think of- Mastukawa.
It ran three times before he picked up. "Iwaizumi?"
"Hey, listen—" I couldn't finish because my phone was ripped from my grasp. Spinning around I try and reach for it only to have the call ended and the phone pulled from out from my reach. He slipped it into his back pocket grabbing ahold of my wrist and dragging me forward slamming my bedroom door closed.
"You-" Strong arms wrapped around me so I couldn't move and all to suddenly warm lips landed on mine in a soft, slow kiss.
Heat rushed through my body and the sound of my heart thumped loudly in my ears deafening me. My mind felt hazy and clouded any reasoning I had left to push him away. Although I didn't want to.
I wanted him and only him.
But I knew that wasn't possible.
So I gently pushed him away from me while opening my eyes slowly to meet his. I blush knowing that he had opened his eyes before me.
He wasn't smiling nor were his eyes showing me anything. It scared me.
"Why?" I cover my eyes afraid of what they were showing. I nearly fall over as I stumble backwards trying desperately to get away. He stays where he is not saying anything until I start yelling. His eyes widen.
"You had no right to do that. Why would you do that?!" The demand falls from my lips before I could even register what I had said. My eyes start to water and so I cover them with the sleeve of my- his hoodie.
No way was I allowing myself to cry. Not in front of him.
He starts to apologize but I stop him. An apology only meant one thing, that this shouldn't have happened. That for him, it was simply a mistake. One big fat misunderstanding.
Oikawa, he knew. I didn't have to tell him how I felt, because all along he knew. Tears fall from my covered eyes. I turn around so my back is facing him. I dont leave the room just yet because this time I want to hear what he has to say.
The room was full of tension, the silence eating at me in ways that were quite painful.
I was frozen in place. He didn't make a move to walk away nor did he say anything. I wasn't even sure if he was still breathing.
"How did you find out?" My voice wasn't shaky like I thought it would be. It came out strong and fierce. Even if he was my best friend I wouldn't allow him or anyone to make a fool of me or judge me.
He took a deep breath whispering my name. I shivered and if he noticed he didn't say anything.
"Please." This time my voice wavers. Cursing under my breath I continue. "Just please don't apologize. Anything but that." I still don't face him refusing to let him see me like this.
"Turn around." No, I don't.
"Iwa-chan, look at me." I hear movement. "I want to see you." He doesn't stop until he's standing directly behind me.
"I want you to stop whatever this is that you've been doing. I'm beginning to lose my patience." Before he could say anything else I blurt out.
"You kissed her." I could feel him go rigid by how close he was.
"Why would you be so cruel and do the same to me knowing how I felt?" I smile a sinister smile finally turning around taking a few steps back. The proximity was killing me.
Guilt washed over his features then just like always he masked whatever he was feeling. We made eye contant then I looked away.
When our eyes meets it makes my heart flutter. Which is why I always have to look away. This started awhile ago, I can exactly remember when.
"You're doing it again." This time I look at him. My stone cold glare made him take a step back like he'd just been slapped.
"You know it's funn—"
"You asked me how I knew. Well that's easy." He moved fast. Pinning me up against the wall.
HIs lips hovered over mine and just as fast anticipation ran through my body.
His smell was intoxicating but I wouldn't let that distract me.
"I knew, because when you looked at me from afar with those taunting eyes while you thought I wasn't paying attention- is the same way I would look at you. Only difference is I would never look away. Although it was tempting a few times, I just couldn't do it. Because I was hoping for you to notice me the way I noticed you." He lifted his hand caressing my cheek. "Iwa-chan...stop hiding from me. Let me in."
More tears fell freely. "For once it's me the crybaby." I sniffle reaching out for him. His arms wrap around me, And boy he was doing a good job at holding me, one arm was wrapped securely around my waist while the other around my neck. He ran his one hand through my spiky but soft hair resting it on the back of my head as I buried my face into his warm embrace.
That's when I heard the faintest sob escape his lips. He was crying too. And for the first time I didn't mind. Such a dumbass.
"I hate you Shittykawa." He laughed. One I haven't heard in what feels like forever.
"You're still in denial. Stop pushing me away Iwa-chan." He smiled and I sneered playful pushing him always.
"Whatever." I replied shaking my head. I'll admit how I feel one day. Even if he's already one step ahead of me and deep down already knows everything.
"Hajime." I halted. "I'll wait for you. As long as it takes."
This time I smile, I wasn't facing him but I'm sure he had an idea of what kind of face I was making. I blushed clearing my throat.
"You'll be waiting a long time from now Kusokawa." I put emphasis on the word 'long'. He laughed once more putting an arm over my shoulder as we left my room.
"As long as it takes." He whispers in my ear, his hot breath fanning my face. He smirked looking down on me. Damn it.
I blushed.

When Our Eyes Meet {Iwaoi}
أدب الهواة~ This story will be heavily edited soon as I'm finished writing it. ~ Every time their eyes met, Iwaizumi couldn't help but look away. Iwaizumi always looked at Oikawa from afar admiring everything about his partner. He was in love with him and t...