Fourteen // Go away

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The sound of his phone ringing on the floor had woken Iwaizumi up from his sleep. He felt extremely groggy rubbing at his sore eyes and then his nose. When his eyes were finally able to open up completely he stretched attempting to stand up. When he did he pick up his untouched food and walked downstairs into the kitchen stuffing the plate into the microwave.

He couldn't help but glare at the microwave when his stomach growled loudly. He was hungry. God knows how long he'd been asleep for. When he looked over at the clock it was still morning- 11:45 am. He sighed, it's only been a couple of hours.

Once his food was done heating up he sat down at his dinning room table and dug in immediately. Eating the way he was suddenly reminded him of his best friend and he couldn't help but to smile.

'If you love him, let him be happy.'

'If you love him, let him go.'

'As long as you still have him in your life, that should be enough.'

His mother's words played over and over in his head and he could't help but agree with her. Although it would be hard, his broken heart had to be mended. The reality was that his love was only one-sided, it was most definitely unrequited love and it hurt. Once he was finished the porridge with steamed milk, he leaped up the stairs two at a time.

"Damn, why is it so cold?" He whispered walking to his closet to grab a hoodie. Brushing his fingers along all the different kinds of fabric he stopped on one he knew all to well. That's the one he thought pulling it of the hanger and throwing it on. Much better, so warm, nice smell. The smell of Oikawa's detergent went directly to his nose. It calmed him down and all to suddenly he felt the need to sleep. To get more rest before the following day came. He coughed into his elbow and sat down. "It still hurts." Then he coughed again grabbing at the fabric of the sweater near his chest. Stupid, shitty, Kusokawa!


His head whipped around nearly giving him whiplash. He stood up making his way towards his bedroom door peeking his head through. Nothing. Opening the door all the way, he stepped out walking down the hall slowly. The muffled sounds of things being dropped and moved around could be heard as he approached the living space. That's when he saw it, the shadow of a person. Maybe it was his father? He needed to get closer, close enough to see who they were. The only people who had a key or knew where the house key hidden outside was his parents and OIkawa. If it wasn't any of the above it was an intruder.

Moving forward he picks up his pace. When he gets passed the kitchen and peers into the living room the presence was gone. They just disappeared or so he thought. Arms wrap around his broad built startling him. His elbow swings backwards in fear. The intruder releases him and cries out in pain. "Iwa-can! It's just me!" That familiar voice cuts through the air leaving him speechless.

"What are you doing here? I told you not to come." He facepalms glaring at Tooru.

"We need to talk." Oikawa says stepping closer to the other. His voice and poster became serious. He frowned in response to the hateful filled look shot his way. "Stop looking at me like that! Like I'm some disgusting disease!" He shouts in irritation directed towards Hajime.

"It makes me sick. I hate it, I hate that the most" His hurt tone shocks Iwaizumi. No way does he get to feel that way when it was me hurting the most, you bastard.

"We have nothing to talk about. You should leave." Iwaizumi spins on his heal ready to make his escape but is stopped by a warm hand wrapping around his wrist. "Let go of me."

"Not until we talk." Oikawa spins the shorter male around pinning him up against the wall. The feeling was bliss but he couldn't handle all the mixed signals. All to suddenly the unwanted mental image floods his thoughts ruining the amazing feeling of being so close. Their lips locks together, his hands wrap and tangled in her beautiful long hair, his hands roaming her slim body wrapping around her waist while holder her against him. Their bodies flushed against one another, faces red. The look of lust written over both of their faces with glistening eyes.

His own face contorts into fury and humiliation as he pushes violently at Oikawa's chest. "Stop touching me dammit!" Tears threaten to fall but he refuses to show any sign of sadness. Fear strikes his features and the latter notices.

"What's wrong Iwa-chan? Please talk to me..." Finally getting out of the iron-like hold he takes almost three giant steps back. "Tell me...that we're going to be okay...please" Oikawa keeps speaking and his lip trembles out of worry and terror of the answer.

"Leave." Hajime whispers rather harshly. "I told you that I didn't want to see you right now." More like he didn't want his best friend seeing him like this, in this kind of state. Not because it would damage his ego but because of how much Oikawa affected him. He didn't want to be seen so broken by something completely out of his control.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on and that's final." With both males being so stubborn it was hard to come to compromises. They stare at each other long enough for Iwaizumi to let out a long sigh in defeat.

"You're the goddamn problem." He finally says sitting down on one of the sofas. Oikawa sits down on the other across from him with his face in his palms. His shoulder slump. "Just go away Crappykawa." His setter, his number one looks up connecting his hazel eyes with his green ones just staring absent minded in his own thoughts. His eyes were dull, his hair was a mess and his lips were pressed together into a thin line. Oikawa opens his mouth then closes it.

"Why are you so upset with me? What could I have possibly done that was so wrong?" Iwaizumi knew that he had no right to be this hurt and upset and it was something he couldn't just come out and say. If Oikawa found out that another guy liked him it would ruin their friendship and if wasn't that then the constant distancing would.

"It's because..." He swallows the lump beginning to form in his throat. This was it, the moment he's been dreading for quite some time.

"The...reason..." He closes his eyes tightly in shame. "Is because...I"

Oikawa stood up walking towards Iwaizumi shocking the both of them. "I..." Iwaizumi couldn't bring himself to say it.

"I'm sorry."

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