Part 29

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Part 29
                Destiny Is just sitting in the waiting room to find out what's gong on. "A nurse walks up and says "Destiny " May I speak wit you a Moment? Destiny nodded her head yes 'and say Please God Have some good news for me! " The nurse wrapped her arms around Destiny and Says" I'm so sorry we couldn't stop the bleeding. We have called in family members to find out which funeral ⚰️ home they would like to use' Destiny suggested that they go through a close family members of mine named ( Chaisity Owens) 👩🏾‍💼 which was the best Mortician in town.
"Destiny broke down to her knees & asked the nurse 👩🏾‍⚕️ . When will I be able to view my friends body? " she says we are almost done cleaning her up an you will be more than welcome to come Back
"By this time Destiny noticed her Ex in-laws all coming to the Emergency room. " Shit got real ,
There was so much tension in the room it was unreal' but I sat and waited for Marleaux's Family to make it in. "It took forever for them to get her which I found really Odd. "I called her mom she didn't answer' bu this time I'm pacing the floor back and forth' I seen the nurses walking up to Darnell's mom. " I couldn't hear what they were saying at all but it  could have not been Good Because Darnell's Mom started crying 😭. As much as I didn't want to go over and comfort them I walked over and hugged her" I said God Bless you and your family & everything is going to be ok.  " She said thank you Destiny 'sobbing and whipping her tears.
" She says I would have never thought my children would go threw all of this & all around the same time 😥😥 I said I know! and I hate to hear your going three this. " She breaks Down And Says "My BABBYYYYY 😢😥. I said I'm gonna let you get your thoughts 💭 together . "I'll be right over here. Even though they did me wrong I have a heart and I know how it feels when you Family is hurting inside and you need someone. I'm a very forgiving person.
Well I sat and waited Marleaux's Family started coming in. "We sat and waited to see the results of Destiny, as we waited the 🗣called Darnell's Family to the Back. " I got up and asked how long would it be Before the Family Of Marleaux Can come in. " the 👩🏾‍⚕️ was so polite, she says as soon as we get this other family out of the way. I'll be more than happy to assist you and your family to the back 😆. " I Said thank You!
" As we waited we heard hysterical 😩 screaming and hollering from the back of the ER. Come to find out it was Darnell's Sister Behind the wheel of thr get away car
I can only imagine what's happening back there. Honestly I wasn't ready for our time to go back 😳.
" well Darnell's Family came out one behind another, with their heads held down. "I just know Darnell's sister is hurt pretty bad.
" Next the  Doctors and nurses 👨🏾‍⚕️ 👩🏾‍⚕️ Finally Calls us to the double doors 🚪. My heart was pounding I was not ready to see my friend on her death bed.
The nurse stops us and says " I'm going to let you know now we did the best we could.
Also we made a terrible mistake " we thought you were the family of one of the young lady's that came in first.
But it was a simple mistake. We walked to Marleaux's room' she was lying there with tubes and All kinds stickers & monitors hooked up to her.
"When I seen her breathing' I fell to my knees and thanked God repeatedly🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾.
The nurses had a mix up between Marleaux's family and Darnell's Sister. " I wouldn't wish death on anyone but I thank God My Friend is in stable condition.
" Now that I know she is doing better I'm about to go Straight Ape 🦍 shit.
At this point I don't give a fuck about Nothing.
I'm gonna play it smart' now it's time for me to find out who set this up. ( First Kav was standing in my driveway, then soon after they hurt my friend and took my baby .
Now I'm feeling like this is all connected, but what they don't know is I have a Hit Man 👨🏾 Named (Cleo) And one call is all I needed with no explanation.
"I called Cleo to meet up, "he told me to meet him by the spot.
I left the hospital 🏥 at rage ready for whatever 🤞🏾🤷🏾‍♀️
"Me and Cleo Met in the Back of the Park' we were all alone. I ran down the whole story to him & he didn't say a word. " I asked him how much I would have to pay him for the hit. (He looked at me and said D' it's all good." I GOT YOU!!
He says matter fact take a ride with me 😡 we got in the car and headed out. "I had no idea what he was up to but Cleo is Dangerous 😮😮.
We pulled up to this house 🏡 he says D sit in the car and if I'm not out I'm less than 5 minutes, get in the driver seat and drive off. "I was about to say something " he shushed me' & said do as I told you and the plan is gonna work out fine.
I sat in the car and waited for him to come out ' I heard  confrontation from afar.
I don't wanna Hop Over and drive off jus yet, then a few seconds later I heard over 20 guns shots.
"When I didn't see Cleo come out Burnt out 💨 💨 .
" I called killer & said I was coming to check on Jordan Jr, he says I just fed him and he's asleep, but just come on over we are here. "I said bet I'm on my way.
"I'm going get my baby go home and hold him close. Life is short and to much has been happening fast.
" I feel kind of bad for Darnell's Family and the Loss Of Him And His Sister....


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