Chapter Three: Fall Through the Cracks

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March dawned in the wake of Harry kissing Severus for the first time, and he found himself quickly turning into a shadow because of the rejection. Of course, he wasn't completely surprised by the rejection itself. The man obviously hated him, and was madly in love with his mother, so it wasn't as if Harry had a chance either way. Plus, he was entirely used to rejection, and, those that didn't reject him, died because of their association to him. It had quickly become common knowledge within the Wizarding World that, if you were close to Harry James Potter, your days, by default, were numbered.

Harry received a letter from Sirius in the interim, due to Severus's avoidance of him, and making constant excuses of back potions needing to be brewed, and found himself turning it over and over in his hands. He was standing in the owlery, Hedwig on her roost, her amber eyes watching him as he stared down at the letter she'd brought him. He had already given her treats, and the pleased owl had flown up upon getting them, wanting to eat them as quickly as possible, lest the other owls get the wrong idea and think that they were up for grabs.

Harry casted a rudimentary Cleaning Charm against the wall of the owlery, so as he wouldn't get any owl pellets on his latest Weasley sweater or jeans, and leaned against it. Fumbling with the letter for a moment, he finally broke the seal with the Black family crest upon it. He was unsure if it was to be good news or bad, so suffice it to say, ripping off the band-aid sooner rather than later had always proved beneficial.


I do hope that this letter finds you well. I had heard from Albus that you had resumed your lessons this term with Snape, and I have written to the headmaster, expressing that Snape had better go easier on you. You need challenge, Harry, and I do not dispute that. However, I am fully aware that Snape and kindness do not necessarily go hand in hand. Which is why, I firmly believe, that compromise would be prudent in this situation.

In return for Snape not deliberately insulting you, or comparing you to your father, you, in turn, must strive to at least be civil. I know that given your history with Snape that it must be difficult to even consider civility with a positive frame of mind. However, perhaps something will give within that stubborn man you are, unfortunately, forced to learn from.

I have cleared it with the headmaster that you, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George, and the rest of the Weasleys may come to Grimmauld for the week you are off school for Easter. Remus and Tonks will be there for the week as well, and I know that they want me to tell you hello from both of them. I'd bet a good handful of Galleons that they've gotten closer during the past several months during various stakeouts, and I wouldn't be surprised if Remus made Tonks an offer in the next year or two.

Stay strong, pup. I'm entering into some private negotiations as we speak on behalf of the Order, and we can all hope that our respective nightmares will be over soon.

Your godfather,

Sirius Black

Harry sighed, folding up the letter and transfiguring a loose thread upon his Weasley sweater into a piece of parchment, and took his quill out of his pocket. Turning towards the clean portion of wall he'd made, he quickly began mulling over what to say to Sirius. There was so much to say, it seemed, and so little time to say it.


Lessons with Professor Snape have slowed down considerably over the last few days, because he apparently has some back-orders of potions to make for the hospital wing. Apparently, the official potioneer for St. Mungo's is ill, so they've called upon him to do some of their potion mixing as well. You know that potions and I have never been the best of friends, so I'm inclined to believe the potions professor when he says such things.

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