Chapter Eleven: Fall Prey To

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Harry arrived at Kings Cross Station with Sirius and Draco, but barely said a word to either of them and when he did speak, it was almost entirely directed at Draco. Sirius went through the barrier with the two of them, and the three of them walked through the crowds together, with Harry and Draco pushing their carriages with their trunks placed front and center. Harry's also held Hedwig's cage, and the snowy owl's bright amber eyes darted back and forth as they forged through the crowded platform. Draco, meanwhile, had an addition that term as well, in a small cage placed just so upon his own trunk; it housed an Anjouan scops owl from Eeylops in Diagon Alley, whom Draco had readily called Alexander.

Sirius was quick to spot the many redheaded Weasleys, which included Molly and Arthur, plus Ron and Ginny. Hermione was standing beside Ron, holding onto Crookshanks, and smiling at both Arthur and Molly, and likely listening to them as they bid them farewell. Ginny turned her head at Harry and Draco's approach, and immediately let go of her trolly, which Molly had to catch onto, and dashed forward, with Sirius yanking Draco's own trolley backwards so as it wouldn't collide with any unsuspecting patrons. Draco immediately ran towards Ginny, catching her up into his arms and kissing her repeatedly.

"Harry," Hermione said, squeezing Ron's hand for a moment before crossing towards her best friend, and immediately proceeded to embrace him, somehow managing to do so despite her hold on Crookshanks. "How are you? Okay?"

"Later, in the compartment," he whispered to her.

Hermione pulled back and nodded, her brown eyes filled with understanding as she briefly caught at one of his hands. "Of course," she replied, before moving back and allowing Ron to greet Harry properly.

"Hey, mate," Ron said, and stepped forward, hugging Harry briefly before pulling back and catching the look Harry gave him, and gave him a quick nod in understanding.

Harry was then hugged by Ginny and Molly, and clapped on the shoulder by Arthur, as their trunks were brought into the train, and their trolleys were banished back into the main part of the train station. Harry retained his grip upon Hedwig's cage, while Draco held onto Alexander's, with Ginny cooing at the beautiful dark brown owl, with white at its wing tips, and impressive yellowish eyes. Finally, the train whistle blew, and Harry allowed himself to be pulled into a hug by Sirius, who again informed him that he had had him separated from Severus for his own good, but Harry yanked himself away from the man and refused to listen.

Harry went onto the train shortly thereafter, and found his trunk—plus Ron, Hermione, Draco, and Ginny's trunks—all inside a compartment. They claimed it, with Harry and Draco instantly proceeding to let out Hedwig and Alexander, who proceeded to coo and preen for one another, and Ron joked that Alexander had found a girlfriend already. Ginny proclaimed the entire arrangement to be incredibly romantic, while Draco and Hermione visibly rolled their eyes, and Harry slumped against his seat.

"Harry?" Hermione asked a short while later, once the train had left the station. "Can you talk to us now?"

Harry sighed, hunching forward in his seat before he finally nodded. "Yeah, all right." He felt his shoulders stiffening before he began to speak properly. "As I'm sure you all know by now, thanks to Draco," he said, nodding at his surrogate brother, who had written to Ginny on his behalf, and who had then told Ron and Hermione, "Professor Snape will not be returning to Hogwarts this term."

Ron nodded. "Yeah, mate. Of course, Fred and George say that the rumor in Diagon is that he had a relationship with a student," he said.

Harry gently leaned backward upon his seat then, his fingers knotting themselves together. "It's not untrue, Ron," he said softly.

"Harry, you were the student, weren't you?" Hermione asked tentatively. "Professor Snape was having relations with you?"

Harry wrinkled his nose. "No need to sound like a medical textbook, Hermione," he replied, and found that he wished people could respect his choices for a partner.

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