Chapter Nine: Fall on Your Sword

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"Bill, please," Harry said, aware of the tremor in his voice, but unable to call it back. He couldn't call it back, given the situation they'd found themselves in.

All would be ruined in the world if Bill let it slip to someone, anyone, that Harry and Severus were in a relationship. Firstly, Severus would likely be sacked from Hogwarts, and thus, banned completely from the grounds. Secondly, Severus's superiors—Dumbledore for the Light and Riddle for the Dark—would be equally let down by him; Dumbledore would be disappointed, and Riddle would likely be so enraged that he would go beyond the Cruciatus. Thirdly, Severus's spying days for the Light would be over, as he would literally be up for a lengthy sentence from Azkaban from the Wizengamot, and execution from the Death Eater camp. And fourthly, finally, Harry would be separated—likely permanently—from Severus, for he was quite positive that people would believe that he had been coerced into the relationship, given their age difference and the fact that they'd been known to hate one another.

Bill slowly turned his gaze from Harry to Severus, his eyes filled with slight rage, and Harry didn't think this boded well for a positive outcome. "I just want to know one thing here, and one thing only, professor."

Severus arched an eyebrow; he longed to take Harry into his arms, but made no move to do so, at least, not knowingly in front of Bill. "Yes?" he asked.

"Please... Promise me you're not forcing him," he said, and Harry could detect protection in his tone, and was shocked at how much Bill seemed to care for him.

Severus immediately shook his head. "Of course I'm not."

"I wanted it first," Harry broke in, wanting to proclaim Severus's innocence. "Severus... He held me at arms-length for months, and we only started this at the beginning of the month. It was during the first order meeting at Grimmauld that we..."

"That I assured Harry that I returned his feelings," Severus informed Bill. "We truly fancy one another, Bill. There is no coercion, on either end, I assure you."

Bill appeared as if he'd inadvertently swallowed something bitter as he looked from one man to the other. "You no longer hate each other?"

Harry shook his head at Bill. "No," he replied.

"Not for quite some time, Mr. Weasley," Severus said softly.

Bill swallowed then, shuffling from foot to foot, before he finally nodded. "Very well. I can see that it would do more harm than good if this got out."

Harry blinked. "Bill? What are you saying?" he whispered.

Bill turned to look over at Harry. "I'm saying that I'll keep your secret," he replied. "I mean, it's plain to see there's more to the situation here. You clearly care for one another, and any animosity you held for the other is long since passed."

Severus gave a slight nod. "That is true."

"Not to mention your commitment to the order, and to Dumbledore," Bill remarked. "One false move, and it could all go to ruin. I do not seek to bring downfall to the Wizarding World, nor to the side of the Light. We all have to band together now that war has begun. If one of these bandings is you with Harry, it is not my business or concern, as long as it is a consensual union, wherein you are both happy."

"More happy than I've been in my entire life," Harry whispered, knowing, in that moment, that having Severus potentially snatched away from him had been a wake-up call.

Bill gave a short nod. "Well, it seems as though we are in agreement." His gaze turned to Severus then, and he was quick to narrow his eyes. "However, if you so much harm one hair on the head of my brother, one word from me, and you'll be handed off to the Wizengamot for a life sentence in Azkaban."

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