Chapter Twenty: Fall in Love

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Hermione stepped into Remus's study at Hogwarts, letting out a small indulgent sound as Ron immediately got to his feet and snogged her. "Just a moment," she scolded him gently, and went towards Remus's bedroom door and knocked, with a little wave in Ginny and Draco's direction, as she waited for someone to come to the door.

Tonks opened it on the other side, and gave a small smile to Hermione; the young Auror truly looked exhausted, but nevertheless took the bottle that Hermione held as Remus stepped up behind her. "This... This isn't Wolfsbane," Tonks said softly, and Remus promptly took the bottle from her, looking it over.

"That's because it's not," Hermione said softly. "It's Lycanthropy Libation, and it's the latest formula from Professor Snape," she explained.

Remus turned over and over the clear, crystal-cut bottle in his hand, which contained a lavender liquid on the inside. "Is this what I think it is?" he whispered.

"If it's the cure for lycanthropy, yes," Hermione said, giving a small smile towards Remus and Tonks, who immediately gasped with shock. Hermione was as bone-tired as the rest of them, due to sitting in the hospital wing for hours on end with Severus since the final battle, which had been called the Battle of Hogwarts. She had left earlier that day to retrieve the parcel from the owlery, which had arrived earlier, as Severus had sworn not to leave Harry's side.

"Merlin, Remus," Tonks breathed, and turned around then, throwing her arms around Remus and sobbing into his shoulder.

"I'd better try it first," said Remus with a short laugh, as Ron, Ginny, and Draco came up behind Hermione, each boasting a small smile.

Hermione reached into her pocket and drew out a piece of parchment, which had arrived with the parcel earlier. "Here are Professor Snape's instructions," she said, and quickly handed it over to Tonks. "Will you be needing anything else?"

Remus shook his head at her, and smiled. "I think we'll be all right," he assured them, taking a glance at the instructions before handing them over to Tonks. "See you on the other side."

Hermione nodded. "Of course," she replied, reaching out and shutting the door and warding it, before she performed the Portal Spell. She then permitted Ron to lead her over to the chairs beside the fireplace, and he pulled her into his lap, with Draco doing the same to Ginny opposite the two of them. "I hope this works for them," she said softly.

Ron pressed a kiss to her temple. "If anyone can do it, it's Professor Snape. He's been a lot calmer, since the battle..."

Ginny sighed, shaking her head at her brother's statement. "The love of his life has been in a coma since then," she said, her tone slightly impatient as she permitted Draco to gently drag his fingers through her hair. "Of course he's been calm."

"The poor man is exhausted," Draco continued, no animosity in his voice. "No wonder he sent me and Ginny out to Hogsmeade a few days back to the jewelers."

"I, for one, think it's very sweet that he's planning a proposal to Harry," Hermione said. "He needs to be doing something, keeping his brain active, when he can't sleep..."

"I'm just glad that he's promised to tell Harry who survived and who didn't," Ron said, as he pressed his cheek into Hermione's shoulder. "Glad I don't have to have that conversation with Harry... Snape probably knows how to handle him if Harry blames himself."

"Which you know he will," Ginny said softly, sadness ripping into her expression. "He's too kind for his own good. I wish he wouldn't blame himself for all the death surrounding us all, I really wish he wouldn't..."

"How's your mum?" Draco asked, pressing a kiss to Ginny's arm.

Ginny sighed. "Mothering Percy, ever since he quit the ministry," she said, a lighthearted giggle escaping her lips. "As for her battle with that murderous aunt of yours, I'm pleased who won in the end, and that she didn't end up using Avada Kedavra."

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