Chapter Four: Fallen from my Eyes

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Harry trudged down to the dungeons the following Monday with a certain lightness in his step that hadn't been there for as long as he could remember. He may not be seen in Severus's eyes the same way he saw the man, but he resolved to put it out of his mind. He was doing training for the upcoming war—not that they weren't in a war now—and that had to be the main priority, with the rest of his education being a close second. So what if the object of his innermost desires didn't want him back? He had dealt with rejection before, and it wasn't as if this would be the last time he encountered it.

Harry gave Severus a neutral expression as he was let into the potions classroom, and made his way over to the customary location where the lessons were given. No cheeky lip or barbs that day, for Harry had truly taken Sirius's advice to heart. By contrast, Severus had kept to his word, and had remained polite towards Harry. It was as if he preferred this attitude of him, which was decidedly unlike him, which hurt Harry, although he made no moves to voice his opinion to the man, for what good would that do, really?

"Have you prepared your mind, Potter?" the man asked.

Harry turned around then, his face a mask, a technique he had perfected from the potions master standing before him. "Yes, sir," he replied.

"Prepare yourself," Severus stated, lifting his wand.

Harry stood as a soldier would before the man—back straight, feet planted, legs not wobbly—and waited for the spell which would potentially invade his mind.

"Legilimens!" Severus said, and Harry immediately felt the attempt at invasion.

Harry concentrated as best he could, recalling a recent conversation he had had with Hermione, about literally imagining blocks—or walls—in his mind, which had the capability of surrounding the memories which he didn't want Severus to see. Of course, now that he had all these complex feelings for the man, he would've rathered him not see them at all. He planted the walls around the memories, locking them away like a steel trap, and felt as if Severus was immediately retreating from his mind.


Harry slowly opened his eyes then, worrying that the man would scold him. "Sir?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Potter, it seems as if these lessons aren't a lost cause after all."

Harry's eyes widened then. "What is it you're saying?"

Severus looked slightly annoyed then that Harry had neglected to address him properly, but decided to ignore it. "You've resisted."

Harry shook his head. "I... I don't understand..."

"No, you wouldn't, would you?" the man asked with a sneer, presumably out of habit, and almost immediately shook his head. "I apologize, Potter. That was rude."

Harry gave a stiff nod. "That's all right."

"Anyhow, it appears as if my attempted penetration of your mind was unsuccessful."

Harry's jaw dropped then, gasps forming and falling from his lips. "I... I was successful in resisting your attempts to penetrate my mind?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," Severus said.

Harry found himself grinning at the man. "There is no need to call me 'sir', professor," he said, and the man before him knew him to be joking.

"Yes, well," he said, allowing the cheek to slide, "your assumption is indeed correct. You resisted my allowance into your mind." He pondered the situation for a moment before he allowed himself to speak again. "If I may, how did you do it?"

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