Chapter Thirteen: Fall Where They May

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Harry was thankful that Severus had successfully put up blockers within his mind, so as no one could attempt to invade his thoughts when he returned to Hogwarts on Sunday. He was quite positive that Dumbledore had attempted to read his mind on more than one occasion, and was secretly gleeful that his mind was impenetrable. It was as if he had a little piece of Severus with him at all times, and Harry made up his mind to make the best out of a bad situation for, despite the mandatory separation, there were the letters hidden in Hedwig's nest, as well as Severus's promise that Harry was constantly on his mind.

There were five days of peace upon his return, and he fell in line with his fellow students and went to his classes, did his assignments, and hung out with his friends. He listened attentively when Ron discussed the first Quidditch match—due to happen at the end of the following month—and it was to be against Hufflepuff. Harry was thankful that he didn't have to worry about playing the sport, but still kept his Firebolt at the read and, on clear days, would avidly fly around the pitch whenever there wasn't a practice scheduled. He loved the feeling of flying, and would often imagine flying off the Hogwarts grounds, miraculously finding Severus, and flying off with him somewhere where nobody could ever find them.

Ron and Hermione, who had claimed they missed Harry the weekend before, asked him to accompany them to Hogsmeade for the second weekend. With Draco and Ginny inseparable and snogging during every free moment they had, they would likely be off at Madam Puddifoot's or some other romantic spot, so Harry was pleased to go with Ron and Hermione. That Saturday dawned bright and clear, although there was a chill to the air that even the late-autumn sunshine couldn't take away. Wrapped up warm, the trio walked down the incline from the Hogwarts grounds and into the wizarding village, Hermione in between them, with her arms casually draped along both their shoulders.

"What should we do first?" Ron asked.

"You pick, 'Mione," Harry said quickly, not wanting to make the first choice.

"Tomes and Scrolls," Hermione said, her brown eyes dancing with delight. "There's a book called Advanced Rune Translation that I wanted to buy a copy of during our trip to Diagon Alley, but I forgot."

"You bought a lot of books that day, love," Ron put in.

Hermione nodded, grinning at her boyfriend and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I'd like to go to the shop and see about getting a copy."

"Sound great, 'Mione," Harry said, and permitted Hermione to steer them in the direction of the shop, which housed a white sign with gold letters.

They headed inside, and Harry immediately detected a series of Warming Charms as the bell dinged, signaling that they'd arrived. As they walked up to the counter to ask the wizard behind it about the book Hermione wanted, Harry spotted Neville and Luna, who were standing together in the herbology section. Luna had her blonde head on Neville's shoulder, while Neville had a large tome open—which Harry saw was called Sub-Aquatic Botanical Mysteries—and was reading aloud to her, while Luna looked on dreamily.

Harry quickly followed Ron and Hermione the rest of the way to the counter; he adored Neville and Luna, he really did, but he'd told the former as much during fourth-year that he didn't care about plants. Despite having Gillyweed for the second task of the tournament, and he was ever-thankful for its existence, it still didn't change his opinion on the matter. It was one thing that he and Ron would always agree on, how herbology seemed boring. Although, as time had gone on, he found that the similarities to potions were just too interesting to pass up, and so he found himself reading about the theory above all things.

"Good morning, Miss Granger," said the middle-aged proprietor of the shop, whom Harry remembered was named Bernard Ash. "What can I help you with today?"

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