Chapter Eighteen: Fall About Your Ears

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Harry, you're pregnant.

Those words had stuck with Harry for the next five days, as he did his best to continue to sleep, eat, do his school work, and pay attention in class. All things seemed to be difficult now, and he constantly had to adhere to the notes that the matron had given him—hidden in the sleeves of his robes—to pay attention to what he could and could not do, given his condition. Madam Pomfrey had considerately agreed to send a note to Professor Slughorn—who was surprisingly accommodating towards Harry in the matter—for Harry to spend his hours for potions, from then until the end of the year, doing independent research assignments in the library, as there were just one too many things that Harry could do, inhale, or be around, that would be damaging to the baby.

Harry had been told of his pregnancy on Monday, and he was also told by Madam Pomfrey that, due to the length he was presenting, he was likely a bit over five months. Due to the exercise that he was putting himself through—which Madam Pomfrey approved, although she did say that flying was now out, although walks around the grounds were just fine—he wasn't displaying as much girth as a woman would. Of course, it also had to do with the fact that he was male, and would not, therefore, present the same symptoms as any pregnant woman. He was told that he would need to see Madam Pomfrey at least once a week, for it was a high-risk pregnancy for two reasons—one, he was only sixteen, and two, he was a male.

When Saturday dawned, Harry permitted himself to have a lie-in, and waited until Ron, Dean, Seamus, and Neville had left the sixth-year Gryffindor boys' dorm before he arose. He took a lengthy shower, the knots in his back considerately diminishing due to the pressure of the hot water, and stepped back out into his bedroom to dress himself. He decided to have Dobby bring him something to eat, as he didn't want to have to brave the Great Hall, now that he was on a strict diet, due to the pregnancy.

"Dobby?" he called.

Dobby popped into view and dashed about Harry's legs, throwing his arms around him with an almighty squeak. "Great Master Harry Potter sir is to have a baby!" he crowed.

Harry sighed. "Madam Pomfrey tell you that?"

Dobby nodded, pulling back from Harry and flapping his ears with excitement. "Yes, but only because Dobby is Master Harry Potter's elf," he said quickly. "Dobby was told not to tell anybody else, and Dobby won't, sir, Dobby won't!"

Harry smiled, crossing the room and investigating his trunk for something to wear that day. "I know, Dobby," he assured him, settling on a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and a jumper. "I was wondering if Madam Pomfrey went over with you what I wasn't allowed to eat..."

"Dobby knows!" the house-elf said. "Madam Pomfrey told Dobby that Master Harry Potter must stay away from most fish, raw, processed, or undercooked meat, raw eggs, organ meat, caffeine, unpasteurized dairy products, and alcohol," he informed his master.

"Can you bring me some eggs and toast for breakfast, Dobby?" Harry asked, turning around halfway to look at the elf. "I want to eat quickly. I have to get to the library and do some research about all this."

"Dobby understands, sir," the house-elf said quickly, his ears flapping again as he nodded his head profusely. "Dobby will be right back!"

Harry waited until Dobby had cracked away, before he threw his flannel into the laundry, and dressed himself quickly. He then sat on his bed and Accio'd the Marauder's Map, which he intended to use upon his journey to the library, not wanting to potentially run into Hermione and answer an overabundance of questions. He knew he would have to tell Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Draco at some point—as well as Neville, Luna, Sirius, and Remus, not to mention Severus—but he knew he would reveal the information in his own time.

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