Chapter Ten: Fall From Grace

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When Sirius and Remus returned to Grimmauld Place, Tonks immediately arrived behind them and conjured some extended Wizard Space upstairs to accommodate Remus. Even though they were now residing at the residence of Ted and Andromeda Tonks full time, Tonks didn't want her parents to have to deal with Remus's affliction with the full moon. As such, Sirius agreed to accommodate the couple at Grimmauld, with strict instructions, directed at Harry and Draco to not disturb Remus during the change.

Lunchtime the day before Harry's sixteenth birthday found Harry and Draco sitting outside in the balmy sunshine. Kreacher and Dobby had brought them a pitcher of lemonade and a platter of sandwiches, while they lounged in the shade of the massive and impressive oak trees. Draco was sipping at his glass of lemonade, while Harry was casually nibbling at a bacon sandwich. There was no need for the pair of them to speak, however, it was plain to see that the two teenagers clearly enjoyed each other's company.

There was a spark of magic from inside the Islington home about a quarter of an hour later and, much to Harry and Draco's surprise, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, and George all bounded out of the ancestral Black family home and into the yard. Draco immediately sprung to his feet, placing the lemonade onto the bistro table nearby, and caught up Ginny in his arms, snogging her in an effective manner, while Fred and George chuckled, Hermione smiled, and Ron visibly grimaced at the display.

Harry got to his feet shortly thereafter, and was passed around back and forth, with each member of the Weasley family, plus Hermione, moving forward to hug him. "Couldn't wait until my birthday tomorrow, eh?" he joked.

Hermione rolled her eyes, and immediately moved to brush the lingering crumbs off from Harry's blue button-down. "Honestly, Harry. You're as bad as Ron sometimes," she said, and proceeded to wrinkle her nose.

Ron draped an arm around Harry's shoulder and ruffled his hair, which was sticking up in all directions as per usual. "Let the man live, 'Mione," he playfully scolded his girlfriend, who let out a scoff, and leaned into Ginny's side, who was holding onto Draco's hand. "And of course we couldn't wait until your birthday, mate."

Fred grinned at Harry. "And Mum may have Fire-Called Sirius, requesting..."

"Demanding," George put in.

"...that Sirius allow the four of us to come here for the day," Fred finished.

"Were you getting in the way?" Harry asked.

Ginny grinned. "Hermione and I weren't," she told him.

"But Mrs. Weasley thought we'd want to see you, after she banished those two," Hermione said, waggling a finger at Fred and George, "and this one," she went on, jabbing a finger in Ron's direction, "took one too many tastes of the food for tomorrow."

Ron sputtered at the accusation, while Fred and George immediately held up their hands in mock-surrender. "She didn't specify—!" Ron began.

"You were repeatedly tasting the batter, Ronald Weasley!" Hermione said, throwing her hands up into the air. "What was your mum supposed to think?!"

"Well, erm..." Ron began.

"She called you an 'impatient child', don't deny it," Hermione put in.

Ginny dragged her trainer along the cobblestone ground of the garden. "I think the world 'greedy' was also put in there," she remarked, and Draco casually snaked a hand around her waist, pressing repeated kisses to her temple in an attempt to stave off his laughter, and Ginny flushed becomingly at the attention.

"Who's helping your mum now?" Harry asked, knowing that moving forward in the conversation would, perhaps, prevent a fight between Ron and Hermione.

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